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     等会儿再砸锁吧 Kevin, come on. Open it later. 我们应该去摄影棚了 We"re supposed to be at the soundstage. 我快砸开了

     再等一下 I"m almost there. Wait a second. 该死 Shit. 搞定了


     搞定了 I got it, I got it, I got it. 是条项链 It"s a necklace. 这三个字母是"RBG" It"s got "RBG." 代表"罗德里戈" "R" is for "Rodrigo." 就是他杀掉的那个人 That guy that he murdered. 天哪


     你别再抓着这件事不放了 Jesus, Kevin, give it a rest. 你得在他发觉项链被你偷走之前 You"ve got to sneak that shit back into his office 偷偷地把它放回他的办公室 before he figures out you stole it. 太阳晒屁♥股♥了

     快起床出发了 Rise and shine! Let"s go! -快点


     -该死 - Come on! Let"s go! - Shit. 我把这个放在你那边 Put this on your side. 猫胆虫威 第一季

     第六集 好了

     同学们 All right, class. 今天会是很有趣的一天 It"s a fun day today. 今天是个大日子 It"s a big day. 在那扇门后 Behind that door, 我有一个超大的惊喜要给你们 I got a very big surprise for you. 我们终于能见天日了吗 We get to see daylight for the first time? 不是

     还有别的猜测吗 Nope. Any other guesses? 一开门就会有一只豹子冲出来咬死我们吗 Gonna open the door up and a panther gonna come through and maul us to death? 接近了

     很接近了 Getting warmer. You"re getting warmer. 这为什么会接近啊 Why am I getting warmer? 除了牛肉干以外的其他蛋白质来源吗 A source of protein other than beef jerky? -那可就太棒了

     -看好了 - That would be great. - Watch this. -难以置信



     奶昔吗 - Unbelievable. Please. - Some fruit, like a smoothie? 乔什·哈奈特 Josh Hartnett! 当心

     当心 Look out, look out! 别碰我 Get off me. 他是我最喜欢的学员 My favorite alumni. 1999 年四月第三周的那一批 Class, third week, April 1999. -过奖了

     -怎么会 - Come on. That"s... - Come on. 天哪 Oh, my God. 有没有可能你太过美丽动人 Is it possible that you"re too beautiful? 嗯

     亲我的... Yeah. Kiss my... 你笑得真频繁 You smile a lot. -你♥他♥妈♥在胡言乱语些什么

     -我... - What the fuck did you just say? - I... 凯文

     你能来我真高兴 Kev, I"m so glad you"re here, man. 这将改变你的人生 This is gonna change your life. 当我在罗恩这里训练完之后 I mean, when Ron finished with me, 我就去拍了《珍珠港》《黑鹰坠落》和《好莱坞重案组》 I shot Pearl Harbor, Black Hawk Down, Hollywood Homicide. -对吧

     -最后一部就别提了吧 - Right? - Should"ve probably left the last one out. 《好莱坞重案组》口碑远低于前两部影片 我刚来这里的时候

     就是个无名小卒 When I first came here, I was nothing! 浑身湿透也才 90 斤 I was, like, 100 pounds soaking wet. 等我出关的时候

     我觉得自己所向无敌 By the time I was out of here, I felt invincible. 我感觉自己就像... I felt like... 奥斯卡奖得主马特·达蒙之类的 Academy Award winner Matt Damon or some shit. 你这有点过了 You"re too much. 他说得有点过了

     你俩叙叙旧好了 He"s too much. Why don"t you guys catch up? 金探员... And, Agent King... -在

     -咱们去谈谈人物动机 - Yes. - let"s talk motivation. 再见 Bye. 很高兴认识你 Nice to meet you. 凯文 Kev. 目前进展如何啊

     兄弟 How"s it going so far, man? 一点都不好 It is not going good. 这地方就跟监狱一样

     你懂我意思吗 This place is like a prison. Do you hear me? 我觉得罗恩教练想杀我 And I think Coach Ron is trying to kill me. 别这么说

     他这人就这样 Come on. That"s just his way. 你看看他

     他就是只泰迪熊 Look at him. He"s a teddy bear. 他才不是什么泰迪熊 He ain"t no teddy bear! 他完全就是泰迪熊的对立面好吗 He"s the complete opposite of a teddy bear. 而且我很肯定他杀了人 And I believe he murdered somebody. 我觉得他杀了一个哥伦比亚毒枭 I think he murdered a Colombian drug lord. 我真这么觉得

     有个叫罗德里戈的人曾经来过 I think he did it. A guy named Rodrigo was here. -天哪

     -我觉得他杀了人 - Oh, God, man. - I think... I think he murdered someone. 你真逗

     凯文 You crack me up, Kev. -难道你是认真的吗


     我当然是认真的 - Oh, you"re serious? - Yes, I"m serious. 我去他的办公室探查了一番 I went snooping around in his office, 我觉得我发现了那桩谋杀案的纪念品 and I think I found a keepsake from the murder. 那是条项链

     上面是三个字母"RBG" It was a necklace. It"s got "RBG." 罗恩杀了人

     还留了项链作纪念 Ron murdered someone and kept a necklace? 就像

     嗜血法医那样吗 Like... Dexter? -乔什


     -嗯 - Josh, listen to me. - Yeah. 我们得报♥警♥ We need to call the cops. -好吧

     -我们得让外界人士介入 - Okay. - We need to get the people from out there to come in here. 我是说联调局

     地检 I"m talking about the feds, the D.A. 你们俩嘀咕什么呢 What are we whispering about? 没什么 Nothing. 我俩在聊锻炼的事

     我告诉他我的锻炼方法 We"re talking about workouts. I told him my workout, 他再说说他的

     没什么大不了的 his workout. It"s nothing much. -我们没谈什么

     -我的教女怎么样了 - We"re not talking about nothing. - How"s my goddaughter? 她个子窜得可快了 Oh, man, she is growing like a weed. -是吗


     给你看看 - Oh, yeah? - Look at this. Let"s see that. -教女

     -看她的照片 - Goddaughter? - Let"s see that.


     -不过她很想她的罗尼叔叔 - Look at her. - She misses her Uncle Ronny, though. 你告诉她 Well, you tell her -她罗尼叔叔也很想她那张小脸蛋

     -嗯 - that her Uncle Ronny misses that little pumpkin head, too. - Yeah. 怎么突然伤心起来了

     你还好吗 Why the sad face? Are you okay? 我没事

     我没事 I"m fine. I"m fine. 我找不到我的特制项链了 I can"t find my special necklace. 我特地找人定做的那三个字母"RBG" The one that I had custom-made with "RBG"-- 鲁斯·巴德·金斯伯格[美国最高法♥院♥大♥法♥官]Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 没事的

     没事的 It"s okay. It"s okay. 她是我最爱的一任最高法♥院♥大♥法♥官 Yeah. She"s my favorite Supreme Court justice. 我喜欢她的异议 I mean, I love her dissenting opinions. 我告诉你 Let me tell you something-- 要是那个小偷被我抓住

     我一定手刃了他 if I find out that someone stole it, I"ll kill "em. 我弄死他 I"ll kill "em! 你得往好的方面想 You have to think positive thoughts. 我们会找到项链的 We"re gonna find it. 项链很快就会自己出现了 It"s gonna turn up soon. 我保证 I promise you. 它很快就会出现的 It"s gonna turn up soon. 今天

     我们会做一些枪炮特技 Today, we"re doing firearm stunts. 这位是哈奈特警官

     他是个在逃腐♥败♥警♥察♥ We"ve got Officer Hartnett, who is a corrupt cop who"s gone rogue. 还有金探员和哈特探员 We"ve got Agent King and Agent Hart. 你们终于在这家汽车销赃店找到了他 You finally found him in this chop shop. 枪战也会在这里发生 And this is where the shoot-out will take place. -这是你的枪

     -好 - Now, here is your gun. - Nice. 不许这么接抢 Don"t you ever accept a gun like that! 你得反着接抢 It"s always from the back. 你是正着给我的 You passed it to me frontwards. 我那是在考验你

     你没通过 That was a test. You failed. 这些枪里都有子弹

     好吗 Now, these firearms are loaded, okay? 所以使用的时候请小心 So please be careful how you handle them. 不必太小心吧 Well, we don"t have to be that careful, 因为这里面装的都是空包弹

     不是吗 "cause there"s... there"s blanks in "em, right? 不是真枪实弹的那种

     就是... Not loaded loaded, just... 装的都是空包弹

     对吗 They"re blanks, correct? 不


     你别想这么糊弄过去 No. Coach Ron, that"s not gonna do it for me. 我需要你亲口确认这枪里装的是空包弹 I need a verbal confirmation that it"s blanks in this gun. 你觉得呢 What do you think? 是或否

     这枪里装的到底是不是空包弹 Yes or no, are there blanks in this gun? 拜托


     你专注于训练好吗 Come on, Kevin. Get your head in the game, man. 乔什


     我只是想确保一切安全 Josh, my head"s in the game. I"m just trying to be safe. 并且他还是没给我明确答复 And he still didn"t say yes or no. 是的 Yes. -是的


     -好了 - Yes. You heard him. - Okay. 大家去换衣服吧

     十分钟后回来这里 Everyone in wardrobe. I"ll see you in ten right back here. 咱们开始演枪战 We start the shoot-out. 动起来


     动起来 Let"s go, let"s go, let"s go! 你在干什么 What are you doing? -快换上戏服

     -不要 - Get into costume. - No. 我不要

     我不干 Not me. I"m not doing it. 凯文

     你不要被害妄想 Kevin, you"re being paranoid. 我们都听到他说了

     枪里装的是空包弹 We all heard him say they were blanks. 我的枪里装的是空包弹 My gun has blanks. 这我可以保证


     乔什... I guarantee you that. But I bet you Josh... 他的枪里肯定装满了实弹 he"s got a fully loaded fucking pistol. 罗恩已经试图杀过我一次了 Now, Ron already tried to kill me once. 现在

     他大概打算火力全开了 Right now, he"s probably willing to go all the fucking way. 我才不干 I"m not doing it. 他就是想把谋杀伪造成意外 Try to make it look like a goddamn accident. 这就是他的意图 That"s exactly what he"ll do.

     "凯文·哈特在罗恩·威尔考克斯动作学校意外身亡" "Kevin Hart accidentally killed in Ron Wilcox"s Action School." 还是别了

     我谢谢他 No, thank you. 首先

     乔什绝不会那么做的 First of all, Josh would never do that. 他即贴心又敏感 He is sweet and sensitive. 他肯定很温柔 I bet he"s tender. 应该吧 Probably. 好吧

     那你解释一下刚刚的情况好吗 Okay, what the fuck is over there? 我觉得他完全不符合上述描述 I bet he"s none of those things. 他和罗恩

     他俩是一边的 He and Ron, they"re like this. 罗恩是他孩子的教父 Fucking godfather to his kids. 他还一个字没提 Didn"t say shit about that. -他们还知道是我偷的项链

     -你还回去不就好了 - And they know I got the necklace! - So put it back. 现在还回去已经来不及了 I can"t put it back, "cause it"s too late. 他们知道项链在我这里 They know I got the goddamn necklace. 这里对我来说不安全 You know what, it"s not safe for me here. 我必须离开 I got to go. 所以就因为害怕被枪击 Oh, so you"re just gonna give up on your lifelong dream 你就要放弃你毕生的梦想了吗 because you"re afraid of getting shot? 去他妈的梦想 Fuck that dream! 我是要走了 Hey, look, I"m leaving. 你也可以选择 You got a choice. 跟我一起走吧 Come with me. 不行 I can"t. 抱歉 I"m sorry. 这是我出头的机会 This is my shot. 我明白 I understand. 这是你的机会

     这是你应得的 It is your shot, and you deserve it. 好吧 Okay. 行 Nice. -朝那边转


     咱们来试试 - Turn the other. - All right, here we go. 一



     转 One, two, three. And go. 漂亮 Yes! 此处车牌为谐音梗 心心奈特 Heartnett 谐音哈奈特 Hartnett 加州 心心奈特 真混♥蛋♥ What a dick. 我车哪儿去了 Where the fuck is my car? 你逗我呢 You got to be kidding me. 他妈的 Motherfucker! 他杀了我的车 He killed my car. 他害死了我的车 He killed my fucking car. 凯文

     凯文 Kevin! Kevin! 你在哪儿 Where are you?! -不管你在哪




     该死 - Come out, come out, wherever you are! - Oh, shit. Shit. 该死 Shit.

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