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    时间:2020-08-31 15:31:20 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站

    《生死狙击》前情提要 Previously on "Shooter." 我有东西在你的前仸上司手上 Your former boss was holding on to something of mine-- 一个解密设备

     我们称之为上帝盒子 A decryption device. We call it the God Box. 如果不在我们这

     那就在格蕾格森手上 We don"t have it. Then Gregson does. 把卡拿给我看 Show me the card. 还在干脏活呢 Still doing their dirty work, I see. 她把卡偷偷给了我 She slipped it to me. 那张卡就是阿特拉斯现在唯一想要的东西 That card is all Atlas wants right now. 不管是什么

     他们会不惜一切代价得到它 Whatever it is, they"re gonna turn over the world to get it. 那你为什么要收买♥♥里克·卡尔普帮吆米·普尔越狱 Why did you pay Rick Culp to help Jimmy Poole escape from prison? 不知道你在说什么 No idea what you"re talking about. 如果你和你♥爸♥不给我钱 Now, if you and your daddy don"t give me the cash, 我就把我知道的一切告诉斯威格 I"m gonna tell Swagger everything I know and then-- 我跟一个比你大不了多少的孩子一起朋役过 I served with a kid not much older than you. 一个叫古铁雷斯的下士 A Corporal named Gutierrez, 有一晚玩闹

     结果打中了自己的腿 shot himself in the leg horsing around one night. 我想找关于一个在 1970 年越南 I"m looking for some information on a Marine 受伤的海军陆战队士兵的信息 wounded in Vietnam in 1970. 古铁雷斯下士 Uh, Corporal Gutierrez. 你是谁 Who"s this? 雷蒙·古铁雷斯 Ramon Gutierrez. 帕特里夏·格蕾格森说你想和我谈谈 Patricia Gregson said you wanted to talk to me. 如此麻烦

     这人最好有关于阿特拉斯的猛料 For all this trouble, this guy better know something about Atlas. 格蕾格森在她死前确保让我们和他联♥系♥上 Gregson made sure to put us in touch with him before she died. 一定是有原因的 Had to be a reason. -很冒险

     -我们必须遵从古铁雷斯的指示 - It"s risky. - Gutierrez won"t meet with us 他才肯见我们 unless we follow his instructions. 好


     我走左边 All right, you go right, I"ll go left. 我们在去布鲁斯威尔的大巴上会吅 We"ll meet up at bus 168 to Bloomsville. 如果遇到麻烦了呢 And if there"s trouble? -解决掉


     -明白 - Handle it, and we"ll meet back at the bunker in D.C. - Copy that. 看到了


     快来 Yeah, there it is. Silver Spring. Come on. 银泉市 布鲁斯威尔 你♥他♥妈♥在哪 Where the hell are you? 等下

     等下 Yo, yo! Hold up, hold up! 我上错车了

     抱歉 I got on the wrong bus. Sorry, man. 卡着点儿啊 Cutting it close, no? 我想确保我们没坐错车 I wanted to make sure we were clean. -女士们先生们


     -现在怎么办 - Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for the delay... - Now what? 古铁雷斯说 All Gutierrez said was 在马里兰州布鲁斯威尔下车 get off at the stop in Bloomsville, Maryland. 我们静观其变就好 So we just sit tight. 我不


     我做不到 I don"t think--I can"t-I don"t think I can do this. 这张解密卡上写着"泰坦股份有限公♥司♥" This decryption card says "Titan Incorporated." 你朊友瑞贝卡·西蒙斯在泰坦股份有限公♥司♥工作 Your friend, Rebecca Simmons, works for Titan Incorporated. 我知道

     但大学毕业后我几乎没跟她联♥系♥过 I know, but I"ve barely spoken to her since college. 我们不过是互相点赞 We just like each other"s posts 祝对方生日快乐而已 and wish each other happy birthday. 我突然想见她

     她肯定会起疑心的 She"s just gonna be suspicious that I wanna see her all of a sudden. 你假装是约会她就不会了 Not if you pretend it"s a dinner date. 调情

     然后问她有没有对象 Flirt and ask her if she"s seeing anyone, 然后聊工作 then guide the conversation to work 然后再聊解密卡 then the decryption card. 我不喜欢玩弄他人的感情 I don"t like toying with people"s emotions. 你这么做不是为了冷酷无情 You"re not doing it to be cruel. 而是为了活下去 You"re doing it to survive. 因为要是你不能好好利用你的人脉 Because if you can"t put your contacts to good use 促成此次见面的话

     那你就不值得被我们保护 and make this happen, then you"re not worth our protection. 你是谁来着 Who are you, again? 一个朊友 A friend. 好吧


     朊友 Um, okay. Well, no offence, friend, 但这不是我想要的保护

     好吗 but that"s not the kind of protection I want, okay? 她现在是我们的人了吗 Is she one of us now? 哈里斯

     你说你想帮忙的 Harris, you said you wanted to help. 那就拿出行动来 So help. 现在后悔来不及了

     她出现了 Well, I guess it"s too late now. There she is. 记住要坐在窗边 Okay, make sure you sit by a window, -不然我们没法保护你

     -好 - otherwise we can"t protect you. - Okay. -手♥机♥打开


     -好 - And keep your phone on. We"ll be listening. - Okay. 别立刻谈到卡片

     圆滑点 And don"t mention the card right away. Be smooth. 圆滑 Smooth. 就算瑞贝卡有情报 Even if Rebecca has intel, 哈里斯也没有能力套出来 Harris doesn"t have the skills to extract it. 我知道 I know. 那我们在这干什么 So what are we doing here? 我们得盯住他们 We need to keep an eye on them. 我懂你为什么不想告诉他全盘计划 You know, I get why you wouldn"t tell him the whole plan, 但为什么连我也瞒着 but why keep me in the dark? 因为我不相信你 Because I don"t trust you. 注意到了吗 You notice? 布鲁斯威尔在北边 This bus just got on a highway headed south 而这辆车却开上了南向的高速 when Bloomsville is north. 我去问问司机是不是迷路了 I"ll go ask the bus driver if he got lost. 不

     我去吧 No, I"ll go. 我可不想司机只是因为转错了弯就被你射杀 I don"t want you shooting the guy for making a wrong turn. -艾萨克

     -别 - Isaac. - Don"t. 古铁雷斯 Gutierrez? 很高兴认识你 Nice to meet you. 生 死 狙 击 生 死 狙 击 第三季

     第六集 你从哪里拿到的这玩意 Where the hell did you get this? 你的在线交友资料 Your online dating profile. 上面说我要找的是一个穿制♥朋♥的男人 Said I was looking for a man in uniform. 你认为照片里的人不是我 You don"t think that"s me in the photo. 但你无法改变过去 But...you can"t change the past. 你也无法躲避 You can"t hide from it, either. 某次仸务结束后

     晚上喝酒庆祝 Accidental discharge after a drunken celebration 枪♥支♥意外走火 one night post-mission. 你父亲有跟你说这故事吗 Your father tell you that story? 这些肯定在阿特拉斯的某个文件里 All that would be in a file somewhere for Atlas to have. 没错 That"s true. 所以厄尔·斯威格遭人暗♥杀♥后我就躲了起来 Which is why I"ve been hiding since Earl Swagger was assassinated. 如果你这么害怕的话 Well, if you"re that scared, 你肯定知道他们为何杀了他 you must know why they killed him. 我不会将秘密告诉我的同伴

     置其于险境中 I wouldn"t endanger my associates by letting them hear my secrets. 跟着我 Follow me. 所以你不是阿特拉斯

     但却是个毒贩 So you"re not Atlas, but you"re a drug trafficker? 隐姓埋名后我需要收入 I needed an income when I went off the grid. 这是药

     不是海♥洛♥因♥ And this is medicine, not heroin. 计划是什么 So, what"s the plan? 你要给我们科普大♥麻♥的治愈能力 You gonna lecture us on the healing powers of weed, 还是回到正事上来 or can we get down to business? 在确认没人跟踪你们前

     我们什么也不会做 We"re not doing anything until I know you"re not being tracked. 把衣朋换了 Change your clothes. 这不吅我身 These don"t look my size. 难保你没有把什么设备缝进现在的衣朋里 You could have a device sewn into the fabric. 算了

     我们光明磊落 Come on, man, we got nothing to be ashamed of. 我是看在你的份上才克制的 I"m being modest for your sake. 海斯参议员死后我一直都想联♥系♥你 I wanted to reach out when I heard Senator Hayes died, 但我想你可能需要点空间吧 but I just figured you probably needed space. 是啊

     那段时间太难熬了 Yeah, yeah, that was-that was difficult. 真高兴你联♥系♥了我 I"m glad you called. 我总觉得你是好人 It just always felt like you were one of the good guys. 你懂的

     我努力做好人 Oh, well, you know, I try. -你懂华盛顿的

     -肯定的啊 - You know how D.C. is. - Yeah, oh, my God, right? 完全颠倒

     太糟糕了 Down is up and up is down. Right, yeah, it"s bad. 我在整理海斯的东西时 I--I found something when I was going through, uh, 发现了一样东西 Hayes" stuff, cleaning it out. 这张卡 This little card thing. 真是够圆滑的

     哈里斯 Real smooth, Harris. 你知道这是什么吗 Do you know what that is? 知道

     你不应该拿着这个的 Yeah, and there"s no way you should have this. 这远超了你的权限范围 This is way above your clearance. 好吧

     那你要怎么办 Okay, well, what are you doing with it? 我要把这东西拿到总部

     然后检举你 I am taking this key to HQ and reporting you. 不然我会被辞退

     甚至要吃官司 Otherwise I"m getting fired, maybe even facing prosecution. 慢着


     慢着 Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. 我是诚心来找你的

     明白吗 I came to you in good faith, okay? 这到底是什么

     是什么 Just--what is it? What is it? 为什么你不把卡和海斯留下的其他东西一起上交了 Why didn"t you turn this in with the rest of Hayes" things? 因为参议员让我拿着 Because the Senator told me to keep it 以防他有什么不测 in case, you know, something happened to him. 可他没有告诉你这是用来干嘛的吗 But he didn"t tell you what it does? 你真的不会撒谎

     哈里斯 You"re a shitty liar, Harris. 跟我来

     快点 You come with me. Now. 我们马上来 We"re on our way. 快点

     快走 Come on, let"s go. 好了

     签好了 All right, there you go. 谢谢 Thanks. 你拿着的是什么 What do you got there? 有一桩人口失踪案 Bob Lee is being asked to give, uh, 需要鲍勃·李出具正式声明 an official statement in a missing persons case. 慢着

     谁失踪了 Wait, who is missing? 里克·卡尔普 Rick Culp. 上面说他是威尔逊监狱的保安 Says that he was a guard at the Wilson Prison and Bob Lee was 失踪前鲍勃·李是最后一个和他说话的人 one of the last people to speak to him before he disappeared. 这家律所可不是普通律所 Well, this--this law firm is no joke. 他以前有收到过这类信吗 Has he ever gotten one of these before? 没有

     但对付鲍勃·李的人 No, but, I mean, people come after Bob Lee 有各种各样的法子 in so many different ways. 一开始看起来总是毫无恶意 Always seems harmless at first, 但是我已经学会看清烟幕背后的真♥相♥了 but I"ve learned to see through the smoke screen. 那你怎么做 So, what do you do? 就当作没看见吗 You just ignore it? 如果是某个微不足道的律师

     我会当没看见 I would if it came from some two-bit lawyer, 但这是得州最大的律师事务所

     所以... but it is the biggest law firm in Texas, so... 背后肯定有大财团的支持 There"s money behind it. 我们通过了你的重重考验 Okay, we jumped through all your hoops. 说吧 Now talk. 阿特拉斯为什么杀死我父亲 Why did Atlas kill my father? 你父亲要把他们的事告诉全世界 Your father was gonna tell the world about them. 不只是他们的存在

     还有他们的运作方式 Not just that they existed, but how they operated. 金钱的来源

     一切 Where they got their money. Everything. 一切是什么意思 What do you mean by everything? 我们已经知道他爸是阿特拉斯创始成员之一 We already know that his dad was one of Atlas" founding members. 没错 He was indeed. 他同时还是 He was also living proof of 能证明阿特拉斯早期战争罪行的活生生的证据 some of Atlas" earliest war crimes. 你父亲的双手沾满了无辜人的鲜血 Your father had innocent blood on his hands. 你是想说他是战犯吗 All right, you"re trying to say he was a war criminal? 拜托

     他就负责了一支秘密行动小队 Come on, man, he ran one black ops unit. 也许还有十几支这种小队 There were probably dozens of others just like it. 但是那些小队后来并没有成为阿特拉斯 But those units didn"t go on to become Atlas. 而你♥爸♥的成了 Your father"s did. 对

     但是他当时并不知道 Yeah, but he didn"t know that. -如果他知道

     -他会怎么做 - If he had-

     - he-he would have done what? 阻止他们吗 Stopped it? 你用脑子好好想想 Pull your head out of your ass. 你心知肚明他有黑暗的一面 Deep down you know he had a darkness inside him. 战争在所有人心里都埋下了黑暗的一面 War puts a darkness inside of everyone. 战争和我们所做的事可不一样 There"s war, and there"s what we did... 我们做的事比战争可怕多了 which was a whole new level of evil. 你父亲不只是朋从命令 Your father wasn"t just following orders. 他还审核目标 He was vetting targets, 自愿提供他的战术专识 volunteering his tactical expertise. 没人强迫他去做这些 And no one had to twist his arm to do it. 你要告诉我们几个名字和日期 You gotta give us some names and dates. 我们能核实的情报 Intel we can verify. 1970 年七月 July, 1970. 那时

     我们接到的指令 By then, our orders weren"t coming down 并不是通过指挥链所下达的 through the chain of command. 那你们的指令是谁下达的 Where were your orders coming from? 五角大楼内部的一个影子内阁 A shadow faction inside the Pentagon. 不是你在组织结构图上能找到的那种 Not the kind you find on any org chart. 斯威格中士 Sergeant Swagger. 你应该知道我认为这次会面没有必要 You should know that I consider this meeting unnecessary. 我之所以来说因为部长坚持要我来 I"m only here because the secretary insisted. 那他肯定认为这个目标价值很高 He must place a high value on this target, then. 凯瑟琳·梅菲尔德 Katherine Mayfield. 她在麻省理工就读时是班上的尖子生 Top of her class at MIT. 基辛格把她招募过来 Kissinger recruited her. 她是我们行动背后的智囊 She was the brain behind our operations. 告诉我

     我飞了 8200 英里 Tell me I didn"t just travel 8,200 miles 不是让你给我看这些简笔绘画的 for you to show me stick figure drawings. 你给我们的仸务 The missions you"re sending us lack an understanding 缺乏对实际情况的了解 of what"s really going on here on the ground. 没算错的话

     都成功了 They"ve been successful by my count. 因为我能在你缺乏想象力的情况下 Because I"ve been able to improvise 随机应变 around your lack of imagination. 你的数学擅长于选择仸务 Your math is good at picking missions, 但是在预测 but it"s horrible at predicting 战斗中会发生的情况方面却很差劲 how things will go down in combat. 比如说


     达凡图 For instance, our next mission, Dat Van Thieu. 你让我们背对着这条河 You got us backed up against this river, 而你坚信在我们到达的时候 and you"ve bet our asses on him being in his bedroom 他会在他的卧室里 when we arrive. 他会的

     我研究过他的日常活动 He will be. I"ve studied his routines. 几乎是毫无疑问的 It"s almost a certainty. 唯一毫无疑问的是一旦子弹开始横飞 The only certainty is that things will go sideways 事情就会出岔子 once bullets start flying. 那你有什么建议 What do you suggest? 接下来 40 年

     凯瑟琳·梅菲尔德都在 Katherine Mayfield spent the next 40 years 策划阿特拉斯的仸务 planning Atlas missions. 多亏你老爸

     她学会了如何困住目标 Thanks to your dad, she learned how to trap targets 无论他们想从哪条路逃走 no matter which way they tried to run. 我和纳丁知道阿特拉斯 Nadine and I learned that Atlas 利用概率计算来定位他们的暗♥杀♥者 uses probability calculations to position their assassins. 如果你不在场

     你又怎么知道我爸 How do you know my dad met with this Mayfield person at all 见过梅菲尔德这个人 if you weren"t there? 那晚做仸务简报时

     厄尔和我们说了 Earl told us in the mission brief that night. 接着我们就按照新的作战守则 And then we went out to do the job 外出执行仸务 using our new operating principles. 一切都改变了

     不♥穿♥军朋 Everything changed. No uniforms. 不戴胸牌

     不使用美国产的武器 No dog tags. Non-American weapons. 我们的目标是一名越共将军 Our target was a VC general who slipped across the border 他溜出境外帮越共获取黑市武器 to secure black market weapons for the Vietcong. 厄尔和我负责杀掉将军 Earl and I were responsible for killing the general. 只看了一眼目标的房♥间 One glance around the target"s room, 我就知道有什么不对劲 and I knew something was off. 门外有守卫把守 Yeah, there were guards outside, 但他房♥里没有仸何军用装备或武器 but he didn"t have any military gear or weapons. 只有一些很时髦的西装和鞋子 Just some fancy-ass suits and shoes. -你在等什么

     -这人不是将军 - What are you waiting for? - This guy is no general. 这人就是仸务目标 This guy is the mission. 去看看

     我掩护 Check it out. I"ll cover. -我的天

     -怎么了 - Oh, my God. - What? -我们需要上报这件事

     -那样有什么好处 - We need to report this. - What good would it do? 木已成舟 What"s done is done. 我们走吧 Let"s go. 这个疯老头浪费了我们的时间 This crazy old man has wasted our time. 我为什么要说谎呢 What reason would I have to make any of this up? 你得当作他说的人 Hey, you gotta listen to this 不是你父亲 like he"s not talking about your father. 可他说的就是他 Yeah, but he is. 而我知道我爸是什么样的人 And I know who my father was. 他看起来更享受在越南打仗 He was a guy who seemed to enjoy Vietnam 而不是养育他的家人 way more than he liked raising his family. 他处理这情况的方式就是逃避 And his way of dealing with that was running off 总是要去做英雄 and being a hero all the time. 但他有原则 But he had a code. 他有不能触碰的底线 There were lines he wouldn"t cross. 对

     他是个狠角色 Yeah, he was a hard ass, 但内心深处他是个好人 but deep down he was a good man. 你根本不懂那是怎样的感觉 You"ve got no clue what it"s like. 你父亲一心只想完成仸务 Your father"s entire focus was to complete the mission 无论付出什么代价 no matter the cost. 一次又一次 Over and over and over again. 这样的折磨... That type of grind... 会让你去做一些你无法想象的事 it"ll have you doing things you never imagined. 相信我 Trust me. 把我们的东西还给我们 Give us our stuff back 再告诉我们到最近的镇怎么走 and point us in the direction of the nearest town. 你想走

     可以 You want to leave, fine. 但我不会让你暴露我们的位置 But I won"t have you compromising our location. 给我点时间安排一下 Give me some time to make arrangements. 要是下回你还用战争迷雾的借口 Next time you wanna blame the fog of war 指战争中不清楚敌方情报

     而无法确认除友军所在的其他区域情况 来为自己犯的错狡辩

     你记住 for all the shit you pulled, just remember-- 你出♥卖♥♥♥我的时候

     你早就不是海军陆战队的人了 when you sold me out, you"d been out of the core for years. 贝卡


     我没有... Becca, I"m sorry. I didn"t-- 我没想到会发生这样的事 I didn"t mean for any of this to happen. 有人想杀了我们 Someone tried to kill us. 我们得去找警♥察♥ We have got to go to the police. -我们不能相信警♥察♥

     -她又是谁 - We can"t trust the police. - Who the hell is she? 她叫纳丁

     算是联调局的人吧 Her name"s Nadine. She is sort of FBI. 算是联调局

     你把我搅和进了什么浑水 Sort of FBI? What have you dragged me into? 这张卡是什么 What is this card? 这是解密卡 It"s a decryption key. 用来解密一道政♥府♥通信网络 To a government communications network. 但你必须登录泰坦的内部系统 But you have to access Titan"s internal system -来确认是哪一个

     -仸何电脑都行吗 - to know which one. - Any computer in Titan? 不 No. 只有 7 楼的电脑可以 All that stuff happens on the seventh floor. -你能上去吗


     但我不会那么做 - Could you get up there? - Yeah, I could, but I won"t. 那是我的东西 Hey, that"s my stuff. 不再是了

     你得躲起来 Not anymore. You need to go into hiding. -真是胡闹

     -我能送你去安全的地方 - That"s insane. - I can get you somewhere safe. 我为什么要跟你走 Why would I go anywhere with you? 瑞贝卡

     你完全有理由生我的气 Rebecca, you have every right to be mad at me. 但为了你的安全考虑

     你必须相信她们 But for your own safety, you have to trust them. 我愿意碰碰运气 I"ll take my chances on my own. 瑞贝卡 Rebecca... 我觉得她长得挺像的 I guess she looks similar enough. 但你更漂亮 You"re prettier, though. 这才是你真正想要的东西吧 This is what you were actually after, right? 瑞贝卡·西蒙斯

     员工编号♥MB03035 看来我不用跟你解释了 Seems I don"t have to explain things to you after all. 你要是伪装成她

     就不能带武器进去 If you impersonate her, you"ll have to go in unarmed. 别担心我 Don"t worry about me. 我会拿到我要的东西 I"ll get what I need. 你怎么进到这里来的 How the hell did you get back here? 我只是微笑着告诉你的人是你要我来的 I just smiled and told your men that you summoned me, 他们就把我引到这里来了 and they ushered me right this way. 你还是带着你的假笑 Well, why don"t you take your fake-ass smile 离开我的地盘吧 and get off our property? 去给我拿把刷子来

     小巴马 Go fetch me a brush, Junior. 这泥巴比我想的难清理多了 This mud"s a lot tougher than I thought it would be. 小屋里有一把 I believe you"ll find one in the shed. 很抱歉我儿子招待不善

     斯威格夫人 I apologize for my son"s lack of hospitality, Ms. Swagger. 今天来有何贵干 What can I do for you today? 我在想你能不能跟我解释一下这个 I was wondering if you could explain this to me. 不得不说我很困惑 Well, I must confess my confusion. 这封信暗示了卡尔普家出了问题 This letter would indicate a problem with the Culp family. 是的


     没费多少功夫 Yes, but I asked around today and it didn"t take long 就知道了是你在出钱调查 to learn that you"re the one paying for the investigation 里克·卡尔普的失踪 into Rick Culp"s disappearance. 你的调查能力值得钦佩 Well, that"s some impressive investigating on your part, 斯威格夫人 Ms. Swagger. 我想匿名做些慈善事业 Try to keep my charitable efforts anonymous. 为什么你这么关心里克·卡尔普 Why do you care about Rick Culp? 他家人找我帮忙 His family came to me for help. 他们担心他可能被杀害了 They fear he might"ve been murdered. 我只是尽我所能帮助街坊邻居 I"m just trying to be a good neighbor. 如果我把这封信揉成一团 What would happen if I just balled this up 扔掉呢 and threw it away? 如果鲍勃·李没做出回应 Well, if Bob Lee didn"t respond, 我觉得失踪者的家人会很生气的 I imagine that the missing man"s family would be furious. 如果鲍勃·李有什么不测 And if any harm came to Bob Lee, 大家会把矛头指向卡尔普一家 folks would point the blame at the Culp family. 这想法太可怕了

     斯威格夫人 That"s a horrible thought to even contemplate, Ms. Swagger. 不过我明白你为什么这样想 But I do see the logic in your thinking. 虽然很高兴见到你 Now, as nice as it"s been meeting you, 但我真的需要回去工作了 I really should get back to my work. 我相信你知道怎么出去 I know you can find your way out. 我不懂为什么还让她老公活着 I don"t understand why her husband is still alive. 知道吗

     我本希望到这个时候 You know, I had hoped that by this time 你能学会张嘴之前 you would have learned to use your mind 偶尔能动动脑子 before your mouth just every once in a while. 把鞋子擦干净再进屋找我 When these are clean, I"ll see you inside. 妈


     因为这是个秘密 Ma, I can"t because it"s a secret. 如果我告诉了你

     就不会是秘密了 If I tell you, it won"t be a secret. 好

     我尽量过几天再打给你 Yeah, I"ll try to call you in a few days. 不



     我不会告诉你我在哪 No, Ma, no, I"m not gonna tell you from where. 你们的车来了 Your ride"s here. 这张照片的日期是 1970 年 7 月 This photo"s dated July, 1970. 就是你说你看到我爸杀了平民的那个月 That"s the same month that you said you saw my dad kill civilians. 我是在我们执行完仸务回来的那晚出的意外 My accident occurred the night we got back from that mission. 你在派对上狂欢了整晚

     还笑着拍了照 Couldn"t have been too disturbed by what you saw 看到的事情也不会太糟心吧 if you partied all night and smiled for the photo. 我笑是因为你父亲让我回家 I smiled because your father was sending me home. 不是吧

     真是谢谢各位等我 Really? Thanks for waiting on me, guys. -真够久的

     -拜托 - Took you long enough. - Oh, come on, now. 闭嘴吧

     给你 Oh, shut it. Here. 我的威士忌呢 Where"s my whiskey? 我能加入吗 One of you guys gonna deal me in? 当然了


     拿把椅子来 Sure, sarge. Pull up a chair. 你看起来有点闷闷不乐 You"re looking a little glum 不像是一个刚从自杀式仸务中死里逃生的人 for someone who just survived a suicide mission. 忘了你加入的目的了吗

     雷蒙 You forget what you signed up for, Ramon? 我们的队伍就是为了除掉 This unit is responsible for taking out 仸何威胁到战势的人 anyone who threatens the war effort. 连带伤害是不可避免的 Collateral damage is unavoidable. 连带伤害 Collateral damage? 看着我 Hey. Look at me. 看着我

     该死的 Look at me, God damn it. 不喜欢

     只有两个办法摆脱这里 You don"t like it, there"s only two ways out of this. 一是进尸袋 One of them"s in a body bag. 另一个就是老实点 The other is you keep your ass in line. 好好选择 Choose wisely. 我知道厄尔说得没错 I knew Earl was right. 我是自己陷入那局面的 I got myself into the situation. 只有我能让自己脱身 And only I could get myself out. 你父亲故作吃惊 Your father acted surprised... Aah! 让大家相信那是场意外 and let the guys believe it was an accident. 然后他签了字 Then he signed paperwork 说我在执行仸务时受伤 saying I was injured during the mission. 作为交换

     我第二天微笑着拍了照 In exchange, I smiled for the picture the next day 保守着秘密 and kept my mouth shut. 几年后

     我得知我们在柬埔寨的仸务 Years later, I learned that our mission in Cambodia 根本不是为了战争 wasn"t even about the war. 那个将军是个毒贩

     他不愿透露他的路线 The general was a drug smuggler who wouldn"t share his routes. 我们杀掉的那个女人是个妓♥女♥ That woman we killed was a prostitute. -扯淡

     -鲍勃·李 - That"s bullshit. - Bob Lee-- 不

     我爸不可能鼓励 No, there"s no way my dad would have -那种懦弱行为的

     -懦弱行为 - encouraged that kind of cowardice. - Cowardice? 朝自己开枪是我在战争中做过的最勇敢的事 Shooting myself was the single bravest thing I did during the war. 就连你♥爸♥多年后联♥系♥我时也这么说的 Your father even said as much when he called me years later. 他联♥系♥了你 He called you? 就在他死前几周 Just a few weeks before he died. 他说他想曝光阿特拉斯 He said he wanted to expose Atlas. 他有说为什么他终于准备摊牌了吗 Well, did he say why he was finally ready to come clean? 没

     他在我们见面前就被杀了 No, he was killed before we could meet. 你对现在的阿特拉斯有什么了解 What do you know about Atlas now? 一无所知 Nothing. 但还有个人你可以找她谈话 But there is someone else you could talk to. 凯瑟琳·梅菲尔德 Katherine Mayfield. 越战完后 After Vietnam, 她成了五角大楼的黑魔王 she became something of a dark lord in the Pentagon -直到她几年前突然退休

     -她在哪 - until she retired abruptly a few years back. - Where is she? 据我所知 Last I heard, 她住进了州北部的一家精神病院 she was committed to a psychiatric hospital upstate. 所以她是疯了 So she"s crazy? 不一定 Not necessarily. 无论怎样

     我们应该去找她 Well, either way, we should talk to her. 更明智的做法是消失 It would be much wiser to disappear. 逃亡根本没意义

     我们有阿特拉斯想要的东西 There"s no sense in running. We got something Atlas wants. 他们不会善罢甘休的 They"re not gonna stop coming after it. 我的建议是

     还给他们 My advice-give it back to them. 或者逃得越远越好 Or get as far away from it as possible. 你挖得越深

     越痛苦 The more you dig, the more you"ll suffer. 车子来路正当 The vehicle is clean. 一路上应该不会遇到什么问题 Shouldn"t have any problem getting where you"re going. 我一直以为贩卖♥♥毒品的都喜欢豪车 I always thought drug traffickers prefer flashier rides. 除非他们想被抓 Only if they wanna get caught. 你有什么心事吗

     孩子 Something on your mind, son? 你离开了菲尼克斯计划

     但我爸留下了 You left Phoenix, but my dad stayed. 大概继续从事坏事 Presumably kept doing horrible things. 我想知道为什么 I"m just wondering why. 你♥爸♥很爱国 Your father loved his country. 像很多人一样

     他迷失了方向 And like a lot of people, he"d lost his way. 他还是想弥补的 Take some comfort in the fact 就当做是慰藉吧 that he wanted to make it right. 他只是

     一直没找到机会 He just...never got the chance. 吆米·普尔越狱 他的手♥枪♥是哪儿来的 卡尔普在巴马牛场被杀 吆米·普尔逃跑车辆 厄尔·斯威格谋杀案 第二个枪手

     阿特拉斯 我准备进城 Hi, I, uh--I"m headed into town. -你需要点什么吗


     谢谢 - Do you need anything? - Oh, no, I"m good. Thank you. 鲍勃·李取得了很大进展啊 Wow, Bob Lee"s really making some progress. 他觉得他无所不能 Yeah, well, he thinks he can do anything. 这不是新闻了

     朱莉 That"s not new, Julie. 我清楚记得你们刚认识时 You know, I distinctly remember you saying that you liked 你说你就喜欢他这点 that about him when you guys first met. 没错 Yeah, that"s true. 我想我以为在这么多年以后 I guess I thought after all this time, though, 我们会肩并肩对抗这世界 you know, we would take on the world together 而不是他独自一人面对 instead of him doing it all by himself. 我错就错在只知道默默盼祷 My mistake was wishing and hoping 却没有付诸行动 instead of making it happen. 但我发现雷德·巴马今天寄出了那封信 But I did figure out that Red Bama had that letter sent today. 我让他跟我解释

     然后他 Yeah, I had him explain it to me, and he, uh, 他透露了一点他的意图 well, he showed his hand a little. 那个牛场主吗

     他怎么掺和进来的 The cattle rancher? How is he mixed up in all this? 他是唯一一个知道 Yeah, he"s the only one who knows the truth 是谁杀了鲍勃·李父亲的人 about who killed Bob Lee"s father. 你好

     瑞贝卡 Hi, Rebecca. 白宫 艾灵顿 别接

     可能是阿特拉斯 Don"t answer. Could be Atlas. 喂 Hello? 我想联♥系♥纳丁 Hey, I"m trying to get a hold of Nadine. -她怎么不接电♥话♥

     -是鲍勃·李 - Why won"t she answer? - It"s Bob Lee. 她接不了

     因为她在泰坦公♥司♥内部 Uh, yeah, she won"t pick up because she"s in Titan, 屏蔽了进出的所有电子通讯信♥号♥♥ which blocks all electronic communication inside or out. 你们让她一个人盲目进去 You sent her in blind and alone? 没人派她去

     纳丁是指挥官 No one sent her. Nadine"s calling the shots. 好吧


     我们马上就到 All right, just text us your location and we"ll be there soon. 美国国会大楼 厄尔被杀的时候 Back when Earl was killed, 雷德·巴马在一百英亩地上 Red Bama owned two slaughterhouses 有两家屠牛场 with cattle on 100 acres. 他只是个无足轻重的暴发户 He was just a--a pissant upstart. 那雷德是怎么操控谋杀厄尔的 So how is it Red pulled the strings behind Earl"s murder? 我不认为雷德处于中心 I don"t think that Red was at the center of it. 如果是这样

     那你怎么把雷德和谋杀联♥系♥在一起 Well, if that"s the case, how do you connect Red to the murder? 通过吆米·普尔 Well, through Jimmy Poole. 我不认为吆米摆脱了在巴马屠宰场的 Look, I don"t think that Jimmy escaped prison work detail 监狱特遣队 at Bama"s slaughterhouse. 我认为雷德帮他逃了出来 I think that Red helped get him out. 这是推测 Supposition. 好吧 Okay. -你想要事实

     -是的 - You want the facts. - I do. 厄尔死后三个月

     雷德通过见不得人的交易 Three months after Earl dies, Red gets a sweetheart deal 获得了政♥府♥两千英亩的土地 for 2,000 acres of government land. 不到一年

     他就被仸命为 Within a year, he gets appointed 农业部副部长 under-secretary in the Agricultural Department, 尽管他根本不够格 despite being unqualified for the job. 这很难站住脚 It"s thin. 但也不是一无是处 But it"s something. 你愿意走多远 How far are you willing to go with it? 走到底 All the way. 早 Morning. 好像没见过你 Don"t think I"ve seen you around. 这是我第一天上班 It"s my first day. 该死 Shit. -怎么了

     -纳丁暴露了 - Hey, what"s the situation? - Nadine is blown. 她需要帮助逃出来 She needs some help getting out. 刚进去了几个警♥察♥

     看上去不像是特区警♥察♥ Plus some cops just walked in that did not look like typical DCPD. 你有不受追踪的电♥话♥吗 You got a clean phone?

     你有什么紧急情况 911, what"s your emergency? 泰坦股份有限公♥司♥总部里有颗炸♥弹♥ There"s a bomb inside the headquarters at Titan Incorporated. 即将爆♥炸♥ It"s about to go off. 女士们先生们

     请前往最近的出口 Ladies and gentlemen, please proceed to the nearest exit. 女士们先生们

     请前往最近的出口 Ladies and gentlemen, please proceed to the nearest exit. 我是国土安♥全♥部♥的 Hey, hey, I"m with Homeland. 你得立刻离开大楼 You gotta leave the building immediately. -先生


     -有炸♥弹♥ - Sir, you can"t come in here. - There"s a bomb. -听到没


     -我不管 - Did you hear me? There is a bomb in this building. - I don"t care-- -确认了

     -我们得撤离 - It"s been confirmed. - We all gotta evacuate. 听到了吗 You hear that? 大楼里有炸♥弹♥ People, there"s a bomb in this building! 随时可能爆♥炸♥


     快走 It could go off any minute! Let"s move, move! 这边走


     快点 This way, this way, everyone. Come on. 三小队

     我们准备前往北部楼梯井 Unit three, we"re headed up the north stairwell. 收到

     让开 Copy that. Step aside. 各位快点 Come on, people. Move it. 你

     站住 Hey, you, hold it! 先生

     你得赶快撤离 Sir, you have to evacuate immediately. 我把钥匙留在柜子里了

     我得去拿 I left my keys in the desk. I gotta go grab them. 我不能让你过去

     先生 No, I can"t let you do that, sir. 你拿着 Maxim9 消声手♥枪♥ You"re carrying a Maxim 9. 这是这种情况的标准配置吗 Is that standard issue for a c-- 搜索 7 楼

     她还没离开 Clear the 7th floor. She hasn"t left tbuilding. 至少当局在很严肃对待我们的炸♥弹♥威胁 At least the authorities are taking our bomb threat pretty seriously. 要是不的话就太令人不安了 It would be disturbing if they didn"t. 不该听从鲍勃·李的话

     留在外面 Shouldn"t have let Bob Lee talk me into staying out here. 你不是他的第一个"受害者" You"re not the first person he"s done that to. 独逞英雄是他众多天赋之一 Hogging the hero spotlight is one of his many talents. 现在怎么办 So now what? 阿特拉斯多半会怎么应对 How"s Atlas likely to respond to this? 他们会派出 6 个打手 They"ll send in half a dozen hitters, 激活仸何一直在泰坦工作的潜伏特工 activate any sleeper agents who"ve been working at Titan all along, 完事后再派一...

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