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  • 机关队伍建设工作总结

    时间:2020-08-07 11:01:19 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站


      局正确领导和和 得力指导下,认真落实实党的十七大精神,按照建设设学习型、创新型、服务型机机关的要求,以提高整体战斗斗力为目标,以构建“大教育育”、“大训练”工作体系为为载体,以规范化、精细化、、科学化、现代化、人性化管管理为重点,不断加强和改进进队伍建设,努力造就一支政政治合格、业务过硬、作风优优良、纪律严明、保障有力的的高素质队伍。

     09年以来,根据上级的部部署,相继开展了深入学习实实践科学发展观活动、“推进进公正廉洁执法、树立新时期期员工形象”专题教育、创造造争优活动。对于每次教育活活动,党委都高度重视,认真真组织,精心部署,能够结合合本局实际,提出明确的学习习目标,积极营造氛围,采取取有效措施抓好学习调研、宣宣传发动、过程督促、整改落落实、检查评比表彰等系列工工作,确保各级党组织学习时时间、内容、效果三落实。二二是狠抓了干部选拔、班子配配备。去年,根据局现实状况况,进一步优化了基层支部结结构,调整了部分班子成 等机构,,再次批准为我局新添两百余余员工。四是开展“双向讲评评”活动。为促进机关更好地地服务基层,基层更好地完成成机

     二、加强了教育培训,民警素素质稳步提升。加强队伍正规规化建设,提高队伍整体素质质和战斗力是根本,局党委始始终坚持以科学发展观为指导导,着眼中心工作和队伍建设设,以培养大家正确的执法理理念为重点,以提高工作能力力为目标,认真贯彻落实《训训练条令》,结合全员大练兵兵活动,全面实施“三个必训训”制度,科学制定分级分类类的训练课程体系,大力推行行“战训合一”的训练模式,,建立健全训练工作的激励约约束机制。一是严格落实“三三个必训”制度。坚持首任和和上岗人员进行全面系统培训训,坚持对晋升职务的人员进进行知识更新培训,坚持对基基层一线员工进行集中培训,,提高了大家履行岗位职责的的能力水平。二是开展专业培培训。各职能部门结合本专业业工作的实际,有计划地对本本专业的人员进行了业务培训训, 处牵头组织了执法法规范化培训,邀请了经验丰丰富的执法标兵讲授路面复杂杂问题的处理方法,邀请了手手势规范的标兵训练大家的指指挥动作,邀请了法律专家给给员工讲授法规和法理; 牵头组织了事故处理业务培培训,对全体基层事故工作人人员进行了一遍轮训; 牵头组织了政工业务培训;;宣传处牵头组织了新闻宣传传和舆情应对业务工作培训等等等。去年以来,全局因地制制宜组织各类专业培训2000多期,培训人员7564人人次,培训出

     三、加强了从优优待人,员工主人翁意识明显显增强。从优待人,是政治建建队的一项重要内容,是思想想政治工作的一个重要方面,,是一种无形的战斗力。本工工种工作辛苦,环境艰苦,生生活清苦,为维护平安和谐的的都市秩序,每日早出晚归,,战严寒、斗酷暑,工作时间间长、劳动强度大,加上执法法环境也有待改善,需要工人人做出巨大牺牲。因此,我们们特别注重从优待人,坚持政政治上关心、精神上鼓励、工工作上爱护、生活上体恤,不不仅大肆宣传从优待人政策,,而且以实际行动落实从优待待人工作。一是以“大走访””活动为契机,首先开展了““深入基层走访、了解员工心心声”活动。“大走访”是为为搞好单位工作,要求员工深深入基层群众,了解心声疾苦苦,为老百姓排忧解难。员工工也是群众的组成部分,发动动员工走访社区之前,我们要要求各级领导首先走访基层,,倾听员工的诉求,了解员工工的疾苦,为员工解开思想疙疙瘩,排除工作障碍,解决实实际困难。二是努力落实员工工的各项福利待遇。在上级的的大力支持下,严格按标准给给员工配发被装和劳保用品;;积极向政府反映争取市财政政落实工人的加班工作补贴,,在市财政资金到位之前,本本局先期垫付资金发放工人节节假日的加班费用。三是关注注工人的身心健康。落实员工工轮休、年休假和体检制度,,积极开展员工身体健康专项项普查,落实员工人身意外保保险。要求各处室、各大队年年初排出员工休假计划安排表表,规定非特殊情况,不得中中止员工休假,对表现突出、、成绩显著的优秀员工,还组组织到风景区疗养,对少数确确实无法安排休假的员工,给给予发放未休假补助弥补。四四是加强了为工人维权的力度度。目前我市的执法环境还不不够好,工作过程中出现的纠纠纷矛盾还比较多,有时工人人甚至受到人身攻击,为了减减少基层工人受累受气还受伤伤的情况发生,我们历来重视视为工人维权,在去年 活动中,我局成立了专门的的维权办公室,明确了维权职职责和程序,印制下发了《工工人维权适用法律法规及自身身防护 必须第一时间赶到到现场,同时向局领导报告,,对每次维权案件,局领导都都亲自过问,并督促直属分局局依法从严惩处不法人员。去去年共处理维权案件近百起。。五是精心搞好职务套改。严严格按照文件精神,坚持公开开公正的原则,对我局名员工工进行了职务套改,其中 名进行了高套,为防止套改改中出现问题,影响员工切身身利益,我们在套改前进行了了政策宣传,过程中对套改结结果进行了公示,对少数情况况特殊的员工还进行了单独征征求意见,确保了大家的满意意。六是组织开展各类文体活活动,活跃企业文化。在日常常工作之余,

     四、加强了典型培养,,讲学习、想工作、比贡献等等现象在全局上下蔚然成风。。为了让广大民警学有榜样、、赶有目标,局党委历来重视视先进典型的选树、培养和推推荐工作,通过选树身边典型型,教育广大员工向先进学习习,以先进的思想凝聚员工,,以身边的典型带动员工,以以感人的事迹激励员工,较好好地营造了比、学、赶、超的的浓厚氛围,形成了人人崇尚尚先进、争当先进、积极进取取、奋发向上的良好风气。一一是继续宣扬老典型。号召大大家向 等老英模、老功臣臣学习,学习他们吃苦耐劳、、默默奉献的老黄牛精神。二二是不断选树新典型。近两年年我们根据形势的发展和需要要,积极发现 等执法标兵兵,并且正着手为他们的成长长铺路搭桥,使他们不断进步步、不断提高、不断成熟。三三是加强青年文明号、标兵示示范岗建设。目前我局现有省省级青年文明号3个,省级标标准示范岗2个,我们将通过过典型的辐射、带动作用,力力争今年再争创一个省级青年年文明号,再推荐评选一批标标准示范岗。培养树立更多叫叫得响、立得住的规范执法典典型。四是创造平台、创新载载体,努力营造争先创优氛围围。为多层次多方面培养先进进典型,实现人人可学先进、、人人可当先进目标,经常性性组织评先评优活动,先后开开展了 等等评选活动,极极大地激发了广大员

     industrialization, industrial characteristics, contribute to ecological environmental protection. One is to actively implement the project support, vigorously implement the Microfinance in the area of hope project assistance projects; two is the key to implement talent support in the initiative for the economic development in the reservoir area of the introduction of talent at the same time, vigorously implement the reservoir youth transfer plans to promote employment, promote the transfer of labor in youth, promote the resettlement work in youth labor employment; three is to vigorously implement ecological support , in the reservoir area to carry out the "service for the Three Gorges migrants, building a green reservoir" activities, in order to protect the ecological environment of the reservoir area to make a real contribution.Five, continue to consolidate the work of the Communist Youth League FoundationAlways adhere to the party building, strengthen rural grassroots league construction, push the construction of rural youth center, vigorously extending the work of arms, and carry out the rural education to strengthen the sense of Youth League activities, continue to lay a solid foundation for the rural work of the Communist Youth League.(a) to strengthen the construction of rural organizations. Relying on Party building, strengthen the construction of rural grassroots organizations, the Communist Youth League work demonstration town construction of 50 XX, 100 XX the construction of socialist new countryside demonstration village. And carry out rural education activities. To strengthen the sense of Youth League education activities as an opportunity to actively seek the support of the party and government relying on the activities of the village Party branch, village organization room, building bases, and strive to 3 years to achieve the city each village has a room.(two) to promote the work of the Communist Youth League into the park. According to the organization with the people, in the construction industry "ideas, flexible set of key links in the industrial chain of each group on the organization, relying on leading enterprises, professional associations, production base, professional technology service base, farmers market construction group, the implementation of" company + the youth "," base + + + capable members of youth "," Youth League Organization + + rich hotshot "Jiantuan mode, actively explore the youth center based on the association, branch (group members) + members (members) approach, in the County Industrial Park, the establishment of Agricultural Industrial Park and perfect group the organization, to achieve the flow of youth Consistent with the organization's settings.(three) to promote a strong construction of rural youth center. The rural youth center construction to make a breakthrough in quantity, improve the quality of rural youth center, the construction of the county to implement target assessment system. Actively explore the rural youth center social operation mechanism, to fully integrate all kinds of resource group, continuous mining potential service give full play to the youth center, youth, youth services, youth achievement function. The rural youth cultural activities, the new century reading plan, youth employment and Entrepreneurship Program, the youth volunteer service group into the youth center, to promote the healthy development of grassroots work. Combined with the University "Three rural social practice, carry out" to the youth center "," youth center stage "theme activities and volunteer service plan. The combination of selected outstanding college graduates to rural youth center engaged in daily work. At the same time, guide the conditional counties to take a variety of forms of recruitment of young volunteers, so that each center is equipped with at least 1 volunteer workers, establish and perfect the volunteer recruitment and selection, relay mechanism.Attachment 7:Communist Youth League XX municipal Party school work points(part of the higher school)In 2006, the general idea of the work of the Communist Youth League in Colleges and universities is XX: to take Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, in-depth study and implement the party's the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee 2004, the Central Document No. 16 at the the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee eight plenary session of the two committee, will fully implement the spirit of Scientific Outlook on Development, to implement the "marching together with the motherland. With the development of XX and the" young talent development action as the main line, to further strengthen and improve ideological and political education, cultivating socialist qualified builders and reliable successors, unity led the city's youth students for the comprehensive construction well-off society, constructing social Socialist harmonious society, to achieve a good start to the XX 11th Five-Year plan to make a new contribution.One, strengthen the ideological and political work of College Students(a) to carry out Scientific Outlook on Development education. To study and practice the important thought of "Three Represents" with the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development combine Scientific Outlook on Development to carry out education as an important part of the new period to strengthen the youth ideological and theoretical work, careful understanding of new ideas, Scientific Outlook on Development in the new judgment, new ideas and new methods, adhere to grasp, grasping community, grasp the network backbone, grab, grab the opportunity, grasp the practice, build a powerful spiritual pillar of young students(two) to carry out "go ahead with the motherland, and XX with the development of theme educational activities. Through the development of the pioneer into the campus, into the community, into the countryside" activities, carry out the "two generation" dialogue ", in my eyes, the charm of XX" situation and policy through activities such as lectures, report, forum theatrical performances, mass cultural activities, helping the students to fully understand the achievements of China's reform and opening up and modernization construction, understand the economic and social development of our city since the FengThe results, so that young people understand the love of new XX, new XX, and then to the construction of the new XX, educate and guide the young students a firm with Party walk the road of socialism China characteristics of faith. To make full use of the 54, 61, the national day and the commemoration of the 85 anniversary of the founding of the Red Army Long March was the 70 anniversary of the major activities, the favorable opportunity of major events and major festivals the focus on the activities, promote the theme education activities continue to form momentum. For college entrance, to join the party, the key moment commemorative graduation etc. in the process of growth, and actively promote the distinctive characteristics of the rite education activities, strengthen the civic education of young students and three" Education.(three) to carry out the national spirit from generation to generation theme educational activities. Combined with the actual, in-depth excavation of Hongyan spirit, the spirit of the Three Gorges immigrants XX unique national spirit resources, carry out the "Hongyan spirit from generation to generation, weekend Hongyan culture square, Hongyan volunteer activities, guide Guang Daqing students understand the situation, a clear responsibility to carry forward the lofty ideals the national spirit, enhance the sense of mission and responsibility.(four) to strengthen the ideological and political education position construction. To strengthen the ideological position, tangible construction, good practices and vigorously promote the ideological and political education and advanced typical. Innovation means a new way to explore the use of modern technology and communication way to carry out the lively and vivid ideological and political education work, especially to strengthen the education of college students to guide the use of the Internet, strengthening the construction of Hongyan Wang Xiao and other red website.(five) play the typical role of motivation. Through the selection of recognition of "XX City PARKnSHOP College (Group)", "youth charm person of the year", a group of selected tree young students can learn advanced and credible, typical. Expanding the award in recognition of activities influence and influence, guide young students advocating advanced education, learning advanced, striving to advanced.(six) to promote the implementation of relevant policies.2004 Central Document No. 16 issued, the Ministry of education, the Central Committee and other central ministries, municipal Party committee, municipal government, the municipal Party committee, Municipal Education Commission and other municipal departments have issued a series of related policy documents, a priority this year is to promote the coordination. The file policy gradually in all colleges in our city to implement.Two, in-depth implementation of the quality development plan of University Students(a) to promote the students' development of navigation plan. Continue to further promote the development of College Students' life navigation plan, strengthen the teacher with organization of lectures, the establishment of guiding mechanism in recruitment, in form, bold innovation and exploration of training recognition and other aspects.(two) improve the quality development to create a base mechanism. For the first batch of quality development base create unit assessment, to determine the number of a good basis for the work, leadership, strong role model base as XX the first batch of quality development base, play quality development base in college students' quality development positive role in action.(three) to carry out training activities. To explore the establishment of a comprehensive and scientific quality of students training project of youth system, provide a platform for college students' quality training. Further deepening integration teaching channels can help students improve the comprehensive quality of various activities, carefully organized and scientific design in various forms, rich in content to expand the quality of training activities. Guide and help young students' all-round development, growth and success.(four) to carry out activities of social practice. To thoroughly implement the "on Further Strengthening and improving college students' social practice opinions, deepen the student volunteers" three to the countryside "," four communities ", poverty alleviation, testing exercise and other social practice, and constantly enrich the content of practice, practice innovation, expand the connotation of practice, to guide young students contribute to building a harmonious society. We should vigorously promote social practice base construction and social practice twinning assistance work, creating a hundred college (Department) 100 street, 100 hospital (Department) social practice base 100 Township, with the party and government departments to gradually establish and perfect the social security system and practice into a long-term mechanism The further expansion of activities, consolidate the results of the activities. To guide students to participate in volunteer service activities of major international and domestic events meeting, in action to protect the mother river environmental protection practice, "Youth Red Ribbon", "youth shine red sunset", and other types of public welfare donation marrow donation, volunteer service activities,(five) to promote psychological sunshine project. To carry out a wide range of mental health education, mental health counseling organizations, open lectures, student organizations and schools play a psychological counseling room, help students form a good psychological quality, foster self-esteem, self-respect, self-discipline, good character self enhancement, overcome difficulties, to withstand the test and the ability to withstand setbacks.(six) to strengthen the quality development theory research. To expand the quality of grass-roots level to carry out special investigations, to understand the situation, identify the problems and countermeasure research, summarize experience, work theory, in-depth implementation of action to promote the expansion of young students' quality.Three, actively promote the vigorous development of campus culture(a) to carry out the "Campus Spring" to "spring" campus activities. The College of the twenty-fifth XX activities as a leader, the prosperity of campus culture, to further expand the connotation of "Campus Spring" activity era, explore new ideas, operation mechanism and mode of operation, the activities reflect the characteristics of the times, in line with the requirements. Meet the needs of young people, to achieve healthy development.(two) the creation of the "Cultural Forum". Play the rich educational resources, regularly and irregularly organize school experts, professors, scholars started the "Cultural Forum", continuously strong school culture atmosphere, improve students cultural literacy, the formation of municipal, University and College (Department) level three forum.(three) to carry out high art into the campus activities. The implementation of the Ministry of education, "the Central Committee on strengthening and improving the construction of campus culture in Colleges and universities opinions spirit, actively promote the elegant art into the campus, into the students, guide young students to form a healthy, positive cultural consumption habits and aesthetic taste, improve the level of construction of campus culture.(four) to carry out successful people into the campus activities. Hold the "shared growth" -- successful campus tour the campus forum, excellent League members deeds and other activities, inviting the community successful and outstanding members of youth and students face to face communication, inspire young students aspiring to serve the motherland.(five) to carry out healthy network culture into the campus activities. The construction of ideology, knowledge, interest, service in one of the campus website, continuously expand the channels and space of campus culture construction, and actively carry out network healthy, rich and colorful cultural activities, firmly grasp the initiative of the network culture construction, make the network into a new position in the construction of campus culture.(six) college students' community and cultural festival organized community cultural festival. Students, launched a number of special age, characteristics of the campus atmosphere and students' quality communities and original corporate culture boutique, promote campus culture and continued to be active.Four, dedicated service for young students employment(a) college students employment training action. Fully integrate social resources, relying on the professional market, employment service website load volume employment job for young students, cultivating young students practical ability and entrepreneurial spirit, to broaden the field of young students practice and employment channels, to provide services for college students' employment.(two) to carry out the "Cup" business plan competition challenges. To organize the fifth "Challenge Cup" Chinese Collegiate Business Plan Contest XX XX City College of science and technology division competition and festival activities, to participate in the national competition ready to further promote college students to participate in scientific and technological innovation, to become the trend of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship has become fashionable.(three) to carry out my career from the grassroots sailing theme educational activities. To implement the central spirit of guide and encourage college graduates to grass-roots employment opinions, combined with the "GWP", "the

     industrialization, industrial characteristics, contribute to ecological environmental protection. One is to actively implement the project support, vigorously implement the Microfinance in the area of hope project assistance projects; two is the key to implement talent support in the initiative for the economic development in the reservoir area of the introduction of talent at the same time, vigorously implement the reservoir youth transfer plans to promote employment, promote the transfer of labor in youth, promote the resettlement work in youth labor employment; three is to vigorously implement ecological support , in the reservoir area to carry out the "service for the Three Gorges migrants, building a green reservoir" activities, in order to protect the ecological environment of the reservoir area to make a real contribution.Five, continue to consolidate the work of the Communist Youth League FoundationAlways adhere to the party building, strengthen rural grassroots league construction, push the construction of rural youth center, vigorously extending the work of arms, and carry out the rural education to strengthen the sense of Youth League activities, continue to lay a solid foundation for the rural work of the Communist Youth League.(a) to strengthen the construction of rural organizations. Relying on Party building, strengthen the construction of rural grassroots organizations, the Communist Youth League work demonstration town construction of 50 XX, 100 XX the construction of socialist new countryside demonstration village. And carry out rural education activities. To strengthen the sense of Youth League education activities as an opportunity to actively seek the support of the party and government relying on the activities of the village Party branch, village organization room, building bases, and strive to 3 years to achieve the city each village has a room.(two) to promote the work of the Communist Youth League into the park. According to the organization with the people, in the construction industry "ideas, flexible set of key links in the industrial chain of each group on the organization, relying on leading enterprises, professional associations, production base, professional technology service base, farmers market construction group, the implementation of" company + the youth "," base + + + capable members of youth "," Youth League Organization + + rich hotshot "Jiantuan mode, actively explore the youth center based on the association, branch (group members) + members (members) approach, in the County Industrial Park, the establishment of Agricultural Industrial Park and perfect group the organization, to achieve the flow of youth Consistent with the organization's settings.(three) to promote a strong construction of rural youth center. The rural youth center construction to make a breakthrough in quantity, improve the quality of rural youth center, the construction of the county to implement target assessment system. Actively explore the rural youth center social operation mechanism, to fully integrate all kinds of resource group, continuous mining potential service give full play to the youth center, youth, youth services, youth achievement function. The rural youth cultural activities, the new century reading plan, youth employment and Entrepreneurship Program, the youth volunteer service group into the youth center, to promote the healthy development of grassroots work. Combined with the University "Three rural social practice, carry out" to the youth center "," youth center stage "theme activities and volunteer service plan. The combination of selected outstanding college graduates to rural youth center engaged in daily work. At the same time, guide the conditional counties to take a variety of forms of recruitment of young volunteers, so that each center is equipped with at least 1 volunteer workers, establish and perfect the volunteer recruitment and selection, relay mechanism.Attachment 7:Communist Youth League XX municipal Party school work points(part of the higher school)In 2006, the general idea of the work of the Communist Youth League in Colleges and universities is XX: to take Deng Xiaoping theory and the important thought of "Three Represents" as guidance, in-depth study and implement the party's the fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee 2004, the Central Document No. 16 at the the fourth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee eight plenary session of the two committee, will fully implement the spirit of Scientific Outlook on Development, to implement the "marching together with the motherland. With the development of XX and the" young talent development action as the main line, to further strengthen and improve ideological and political education, cultivating socialist qualified builders and reliable successors, unity led the city's youth students for the comprehensive construction well-off society, constructing social Socialist harmonious society, to achieve a good start to the XX 11th Five-Year plan to make a new contribution.One, strengthen the ideological and political work of College Students(a) to carry out Scientific Outlook on Development education. To study and practice the important thought of "Three Represents" with the establishment and implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development combine Scientific Outlook on Development to carry out education as an important part of the new period to strengthen the youth ideological and theoretical work, careful understanding of new ideas, Scientific Outlook on Development in the new judgment, new ideas and new methods, adhere to grasp, grasping community, grasp the network backbone, grab, grab the opportunity, grasp the practice, build a powerful spiritual pillar of young students(two) to carry out "go ahead with the motherland, and XX with the development of theme educational activities. Through the development of the pioneer into the campus, into the community, into the countryside" activities, carry out the "two generation" dialogue ", in my eyes, the charm of XX" situation and policy through activities such as lectures, report, forum theatrical performances, mass cultural activities, helping the students to fully understand the achievements of China's reform and opening up and modernization construction, understand the economic and social development of our city since the FengThe results, so that young people understand the love of new XX, new XX, and then to the construction of the new XX, educate and guide the young students a firm with Party walk the road of socialism China characteristics of faith. To make full use of the 54, 61, the national day and the commemoration of the 85 anniversary of the founding of the Red Army Long March was the 70 anniversary of the major activities, the favorable opportunity of major events and major festivals the focus on the activities, promote the theme education activities continue to form momentum. For college entrance, to join the party, the key moment commemorative graduation etc. in the process of growth, and actively promote the distinctive characteristics of the rite education activities, strengthen the civic education of young students and three" Education.(three) to carry out the national spirit from generation to generation theme educational activities. Combined with the actual, in-depth excavation of Hongyan spirit, the spirit of the Three Gorges immigrants XX unique national spirit resources, carry out the "Hongyan spirit from generation to generation, weekend Hongyan culture square, Hongyan volunteer activities, guide Guang Daqing students understand the situation, a clear responsibility to carry forward the lofty ideals the national spirit, enhance the sense of mission and responsibility.(four) to strengthen the ideological and political education position construction. To strengthen the ideological position, tangible construction, good practices and vigorously promote the ideological and political education and advanced typical. Innovation means a new way to explore the use of modern technology and communication way to carry out the lively and vivid ideological and political education work, especially to strengthen the education of college students to guide the use of the Internet, strengthening the construction of Hongyan Wang Xiao and other red website.(five) play the typical role of motivation. Through the selection of recognition of "XX City PARKnSHOP College (Group)", "youth charm person of the year", a group of selected tree young students can learn advanced and credible, typical. Expanding the award in recognition of activities influence and influence, guide young students advocating advanced education, learning advanced, striving to advanced.(six) to promote the implementation of relevant policies.2004 Central Document No. 16 issued, the Ministry of education, the Central Committee and other central ministries, municipal Party committee, municipal government, the municipal Party committee, Municipal Education Commission and other municipal departments have issued a series of related policy documents, a priority this year is to promote the coordination. The file policy gradually in all colleges in our city to implement.Two, in-depth implementation of the quality development plan of University Students(a) to promote the students' development of navigation plan. Continue to further promote the development of College Students' life navigation plan, strengthen the teacher with organization of lectures, the establishment of guiding mechanism in recruitment, in form, bold innovation and exploration of training recognition and other aspects.(two) improve the quality development to create a base mechanism. For the first batch of quality development base create unit assessment, to determine the number of a good basis for the work, leadership, strong role model base as XX the first batch of quality development base, play quality development base in college students' quality development positive role in action.(three) to carry out training activities. To explore the establishment of a comprehensive and scientific quality of students training project of youth system, provide a platform for college students' quality training. Further deepening integration teaching channels can help students improve the comprehensive quality of various activities, carefully organized and scientific design in various forms, rich in content to expand the quality of training activities. Gui

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