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  • 货币时间价值与险分析

    时间:2020-09-05 08:12:33 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站



     1.企业发行债券,在名义利率相同的情况下,对其最不利的复利计息期是( (A)?1年(B)?半年

     (C)?1季(D)?1月 2.某人年初存入银行1000元,假设银行按每年10%的复利计息,每年末取出200元,则最后一次能够足额(200元)提款的时间是( (A)?5年(B)?8年末(C)?7年?(D)?9年末 3.在复利条件下,已知现值、年金和贴现率,求计算期数,应先计算( (A)?年金终值系数




      4.为在第5年获本利和100元,若年利率为8%,每3个月复利一次,求现在应向银行存入多少钱,下列算式正确的是( (A)




      5.甲方案在三年中每年年初付款500元,乙方案在三年中每年年末付款500元,若利率为10%,则两个方案第三年年末时的终值相差( (A)?105元(B)?165.50元(C)?665.50元(D)?505元 6.以10%的利率借得50000元,投资于寿命期为5年的项目,为使该投资项目成为有利的项目,每年至少应收回的现金数额为( (A)?10000




      7.投资者由于冒风险进行投资而获得的超过资金价值的额外收益,称为投资的( (A)?时间价值率




      8.一项500万元的借款,借款期5年,年利率为8%,若每年半年复利一次,年实际利率会高出名义利率( (A)?4%




      9.企业某新产品开发成功的概率为80%,成功后的投资报酬率为40%,开发失败的概率为20%,失败后的投资报酬率为-100%,则该产品开发方案的预期投资报酬率为( (A)?18%




      10.表示资金时间价值的利息率是( (A)?银行同期贷款利率




      11.投资者甘冒风险进行投资的诱因是( (A)?可获得投资收益




      12.从财务的角度来看风险主要指( (A)?生产经营风险?




      13.当银行利率为10%时,一项6年后付款800元的购货,若按单利计息,相当于第一年初一次现金支付的购价为( (A)?451.6




      14.有甲、乙两台设备可供选用,甲设备的年使用费比乙设备低2000元,但价格高于乙设备8000元。若资本成本为10%,甲设备的使用期应长于( (A)?4?




     15.某企业拟建立一项基金,每年初投入100000元,若利率为10%,五年后该项资本本利和将为( (A)?671600




     16.假如企业按12%的年利率取得贷款200000元,要求在5年内每年年末等额偿还,每年的偿付额应为( (A)?40000?




      17.若使复利终值经过4年后变为本金的2倍,每半年计息一次,则年利率应为( (A)?18.10%(B)?18.92%(C)?37.84%(D)?9.05% 18.对于多方案择优,决策者的行动准则应是( (A)?选择高收益项目




      19.下列各项年金中,只有现值没有终值的年金是( (A)?普通年金




      20.从第一期起、在一定时期内每期期初等额收付的系列款项是( (A)?先付年金




      21.普通年金现值系数的倒数称为( (A)?复利现值系数?




      22.大华公司于2000年初向银行存入5万元资金,年利率为8%,每半年复利一次,则第10年末大华公司可得到本利和为( (A)?10




     23.x方案的标准离差是1.5,y方案的标准离差是1.4,如x、y两方案的期望值相同,则两方案的风险关系为( (A)?x>y(B)?x<y(C)?无法确定


      24.某校准备设立永久性奖学金,每年计划颁发36000元奖金,若年复利率为12%,该校现在应向银行存入( (A)?450000




      25.王某退休时有现金5万元,拟选择一项回报比较稳定的投资,希望每个季度能获得收入1000元补贴生活。那么,该项投资的实际报酬率应为( (A)?8.24%(B)?4%


     (D)?10.04% 26.有一项年金,前2年无流入,后5年每年年初流入300万元,假设年利率为10%,其现值为( (A)?987.29





     1.下列各项中,可以用来衡量投资决策中项目风险的有( (A)?报酬率的期望值





      2.下列各项中,属于必要投资报酬的构成内容的有( (A)?无风险报酬




      3.下列属于即付年金终值系数的指标有( (A)




     4.下列属于导致企业经营风险的因素包括( (A)?市场销售带来的风险




      5.对于资金时间价值概念的理解,下列表述正确的有( (A)?货币只有经过投资和再投资才会增值,不投入生产经营过程的货币不会增值




      6.计算普通年金现值所必需的资料有( (A)?年金




      7.下列说法不正确的有( (A)?风险越大投资人获得的投资收益就越高




      8.风险与报酬的关系可表述为( (A)?风险越大,期望报酬越大




      9.下列可视为永续年金例子的有( (A)?零存整取




      10.下列关于年金的表述中,正确的有( (A)?年金既有终值又有现值




      11.若甲的期望值高于乙的期望值,且甲的标准离差小于乙的标准离差,下列表述不正确的有( (A)?甲的风险小,应选择甲方案




      12.下列表述正确的有( (A)?当利率大于零,计息期一定的情况下,年金现值系数一定都大于1?




      13.某公司向银行借入12000元,借款期限为3年,每年的还本付息额为4600元,则借款利率为( (A)?小于6%




      14.无风险投资项目的投资报酬具有的特征有( (A)?预计收益仍然具有不确定性?




      15.资金时间价值可以用( (A)?纯利率




      16.下列说法中,正确的有( (A)?复利终值系数和复利现值系数互为倒数




      17.下列选项中,( (A)?直线法计提的折旧




      18.按风险形成的原因,企业特有风险可划分为( (A)?经营风险?




      19.下列选项中,既有现值又有终值的是( (A)?复利




      20.一般而言,影响市场利率的因素有( (A)?时间价值





     1.所有的货币都具有时间价值。( )2.当年利率为12%时,每月利复一次,即12%为名义利率,1%为实际利率。( 3.永续年金即有终值又有现值。( 4.从财务角度讲,风险主要是指达到预期报酬的可能性。( 5.在终值和计息期一定的情况下,贴现率越低,则复利现值越小。( 6.6年分期付款购物,每年年初付款500元,设银行存款利率为10%,该项分期付款相当于现在一次现金支付的购价是2395.42元。( 7.两个方案比较时,标准离差越大,说明风险越大。( 8.当利率大于零,计息期一定的情况下,年金现值系数一定大于1。( 9.在利率和计息期相同的条件下,复利现值系数与复利终值系数互为倒数。( 10.风险与收益是对等的,风险越大收益的机会越多,期望的收益率就越高。( 11.一项借款的利率为10%,期限为7年,其资本回收系数则为0.21。( 12.无论各投资项目报酬率的期望值是否相同,都可以采用标准离差比较其风险程度。( 13.从量的规定性看,资金时间价值是无风险无通货膨胀条件下的均衡点利率。( 14.年金是指每隔一年、金额相等的一系列现金流入或流出量。

     15.在利息不断资本化的条件下,资金时间价值的计算基础应采用复利。( 16.即付年金和普通年金的区别在于计息时间与付款方式的不同。( 17.在现值和利率一定的情况下,计息期数越少,则复利终值越大。( 18.在实务中,当说到风险时,可能指的是确切意义上的风险,但更可能指的是不确定性,二者不作区分。( 19.风险报酬率是指投资者因冒风险进行投资而获得的额外报酬率。( 20.财务风险是由通货膨胀而引起的风险。(


     5.某企业拟购买设备一台以更新旧设备,新设备价格较旧设备价格高出12000元,但每年可节约动力费用4000元,若利率为10%,请计算新设备应至少使用多少年对企业而言才有利。6.某企业准备投资开发一新产品,现有三个方案可供选择,根据市场预测列下表:请计算三个方案的期望值、标准差和标准离差率并进行风险的比较分析。7.某人在2002年1月1日存入银行1000元,年利率为10%。要求计算:1)每年复利一次,2005年1月1日存款账户余额是多少?2)每季度复利一次,2005年1月1日存款账户余额是多少?3)若1000元,分别在2002年、2003年、2004年和2005年1月1日存入250元,仍按10%利率,每年复利一次,求2005年1月1日余额?4)假定分4年存入相等金额,为了达到第一问所得到的账户余额,每期应存入多少金额?8.假定A公司贷款1000元,必须在未来3年每年底偿还相等的金额,而银行按贷款余额的6%收取利息。请你编制如下的还本付息表(保留小数点后2位): 9.某人六年后准备一次性付款180万元购买一套住房,他现在已经积累了70万元,若折现率为10%,为了顺利实现购房计划,他每年还应积累多少钱?

     the same direction of rotation 90 ° or 180 ° for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom

     the same direction of rotation 90 ° or 180 ° for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom

     the same direction of rotation 90 ° or 180 ° for; after each disc rotor when measuring position alignment of the two half coupling constant, should also be in terms of accuracy and consistency. Surface deviation measurement, must in every 180 degrees corresponding to the two radii are equal to each other in order to eliminate errors caused by movement of the rotor. Only a support bearing of the rotor, WA couplings, such as the use of temporary leave the Center, should pay attention to keep the rotor in the measuring process in the center of the bearing oil retaining the nest does not change. Steam oil block, there should be sufficient clearance between the rotor and, in rotors make sure rotor is not on the block or seal oil. At the time of measurement, connections are not allowed between two rotors, each in a free State. Not allowed in case of assembled sleeve, Center work on the toothed coupling. Coupling tool should have adequate stiffness, installation must be secure and reliable. Coupling Center using a dial indicator, the table should be put in prison and avoid touching, to ensure correct measurement. Coupling disc after a week to return to the original position, circumference of dial gauge reading should be able to go back to the original value. When measuring the clearance of end, into the feeler of the gap should not exceed four at a time, when the gap is too large, you can use the gasket with the feeler gauge measurement of gauge blocks or finishing. bearing surface, markup should be in accordance with the mounting support pads, and retest the thickness. Once the lifting cylinder measurement of surface and internal cylinder surface height difference, compared with the original values confirm the location. Internal vertical and horizontal cylinder under state key insertion installation complex measuring cylinder in axial position. Bottom

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