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  • 赋予使命与价值生Jack Welch

    时间:2020-08-10 08:07:03 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站




     推荐来自Jack Welch的这篇文章——赋予使命与价值生命,如同Jack Welch所说“请耐着性子”,我们值得在最重要的事情上花点时间、用点心力,赋予使命与价值生命...



     ——前GE总裁 Jack Welch







     根据我的经验,有效的使命宣言基本上要回答一个问题:【我们在这项业务上,打算怎么赢过别人?】 使命宣言要回答的既不是:【往日的美好时光中,我们擅长做什么事?】也不是:【我们要如何描述的业务,才不曾惹毛任何单位、事业部或者高阶主管?】 【我们在这项业务上,打算怎么赢过别人?】这个问题一语中的。它要求公司在人员、投资和其他资源上做选择,并且防止他们掉进常见的使命陷阱里。这些陷阱声称有办法随时供应所有人所要的一切。这个问题强迫公司勾勒出自身的优势和弱点,藉以评估它们要站在竞技场的什么地方,经营才能够获利。














     离开GE之后,我才发现,当时关于价值和行为的讨论其实可以更深入。2004年,杰米.戴蒙(Jamie Dimon)和比尔.哈里逊(Bill Harrison)合力为美一银行(Bank One)与摩根大通银行(JPMorgan Chase)合并后的新银行,研究价值及行为。他们用来开启对话的文件,来自美一银行。这家银行巨细靡遗地列出价值和与之对应的行为,这是我见过最详细的一份文件。


     l 不要因为利润中心制度的冲突,而放弃对顾客有益的事情。

     l 给顾客公平的好交易。优良的顾客关系,需要花时间经营。不要为了追求最高的短期利润,而放弃经营长久的顾客关系。

     l 时时想方设法,让别人更容易和我们做生意。

     l 每天和你的顾客沟通。他们和你讲话的时候,自然就没办法和竞争对手讲话。

     l 别忘了说【谢谢】。


     l 越精简愈好。

     l 消除官僚习气。

     l 时时力求减少浪费。

     l 营运应该快速、简单。

     l 珍惜彼此的时间。

     l 投资于基础设施。

     l 我们是自己业务的专家,我们不需要顾问告诉我们要做什么。







     一家公司的价值应该能辅助它的使命,这话似乎其理至明,不是吗?但是,事实往往不是如此。公司架构的各个部分脱节,可能是疏漏,并非故意,但是这种事情常常发生。最常见的情况是,一家公司的使命和它的价值,因为日常经营上的小危机而分道扬镳。例如,市场上蹦出一家竞争同业,并且降低售价,于是你也跟进降低求售,结果违背了以优异的顾客服务取胜的使命。或者,不景气来袭,你决定缩减广告预算,而忘了你的使命是提升并拓展品牌。这些使命与行为脱节的例子,也许看来微不足道,或者只是一时的现象,但是如果放任不管,久而久之一定会伤害公司,事实上,最糟的结果会是毁了一项业务。我认为安达信公司(Arthur Andersen)和安隆公司(Enron)的丑闻就是这么发生。


     1980年代的繁荣景气来临,安达信决定经营顾问业务;企业顾问这一行那时正热闹,更别提有大把的钞票可赚。这家公司开始雇用更多的企业硕士,比照顾问业不断飞涨的行情,支付他们愈来愈高的薪水。1989年,让公司拆成两个事业体;传统会计事业部门的安达信会计事务所,以及安达信顾问公司,两者同在安达信全球事业(Andersen Worldwide)一把大伞底下。顾问公司通常鼓励创意,并犒赏积极推销,奖励员工把顾客从一件案子带到下一件案子,而不是那么重视他们的品德。尤其是1990年代,顾问业充斥着逐鹿市场,业绩挂帅的氛围与心态,安达信的会计事业也感受到冲击。有些会计显然淹没在洪流之中,把长久以来引领他们的稽核业务价值抛诸脑后。








     guarantee for the great struggle. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including exercise thrift, against extravagance mass line is party of lifeline and fundamental work route accurate grasp party of mass line education practice activities of guideline and target requirements set and develop "three strict three real" of style put power shut into system of cage in using history wisdom advance anti-corruption construction in-depth advance style clean government and anti-corruption struggle develop nail nail of spirit, a Zhang good of blueprint worked to... 9. other aspects. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary also respectively on diplomatic, and military, and ecological construction, aspects published has important speech, covers has construction ecological civilization, and advance defense and army modern, and rich "one country, two systems" practice and advance country unified, and go peace development road, and promoted building new powers relationship, and go good around diplomatic work, and strengthening and developing countries solidarity cooperation, and active participation multilateral affairs, and science of thinking and work method, many aspects. XI Jinping, Secretary of a series of important speeches, and further enrich and develop the party's theory, line, principles and policies, the party puts forward new requirements for more contemporary features, the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Four methods. To address the relationship between comprehensive and focused on science. In the process of learning, we should follow as a good study and carry out the "wise men" to conduct a comprehensive collaborative learning; and with their own jobs, focus research and understanding spirit, grasp the potential requirements. For example, every party member should be according to the various branches of learning program, an article does not go into a link, no leakage of conducting a comprehensive study, and combined with their own duties and responsibilities, be focused and targeted Geoscience. Like, leaders to highlight learning XI on ruling acting political know of deep love of cut dry in practice go in forefront of river new language out poverty XI on coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout discusses excerpts XI on full deepening reform discusses excerpts XI on full law ruling discusses excerpts 18 big yilai XI on major economic problem discusses excerpts, discipline to highlight learning XI on strict party of discipline and rules discusses excerpts XI Jinping, on the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption discussed excerpts, technology to highlight the learning of the XI Jinping on technological innovation and discusses excerpts, XI Jinping, education should highlight the important excerpts of work on education and so on. To address the relation between stage and often science. Phase has the advantage of time to focus on fast, to highlight the theme, focused, result; often learn the advantages of flexible fit, form, subtle, continues to

     guarantee for the great struggle. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including exercise thrift, against extravagance mass line is party of lifeline and fundamental work route accurate grasp party of mass line education practice activities of guideline and target requirements set and develop "three strict three real" of style put power shut into system of cage in using history wisdom advance anti-corruption construction in-depth advance style clean government and anti-corruption struggle develop nail nail of spirit, a Zhang good of blueprint worked to... 9. other aspects. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary also respectively on diplomatic, and military, and ecological construction, aspects published has important speech, covers has construction ecological civilization, and advance defense and army modern, and rich "one country, two systems" practice and advance country unified, and go peace development road, and promoted building new powers relationship, and go good around diplomatic work, and strengthening and developing countries solidarity cooperation, and active participation multilateral affairs, and science of thinking and work method, many aspects. XI Jinping, Secretary of a series of important speeches, and further enrich and develop the party's theory, line, principles and policies, the party puts forward new requirements for more contemporary features, the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Four methods. To address the relationship between comprehensive and focused on science. In the process of learning, we should follow as a good study and carry out the "wise men" to conduct a comprehensive collaborative learning; and with their own jobs, focus research and understanding spirit, grasp the potential requirements. For example, every party member should be according to the various branches of learning program, an article does not go into a link, no leakage of conducting a comprehensive study, and combined with their own duties and responsibilities, be focused and targeted Geoscience. Like, leaders to highlight learning XI on ruling acting political know of deep love of cut dry in practice go in forefront of river new language out poverty XI on coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout discusses excerpts XI on full deepening reform discusses excerpts XI on full law ruling discusses excerpts 18 big yilai XI on major economic problem discusses excerpts, discipline to highlight learning XI on strict party of discipline and rules discusses excerpts XI Jinping, on the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption discussed excerpts, technology to highlight the learning of the XI Jinping on technological innovation and discusses excerpts, XI Jinping, education should highlight the important excerpts of work on education and so on. To address the relation between stage and often science. Phase has the advantage of time to focus on fast, to highlight the theme, focused, result; often learn the advantages of flexible fit, form, subtle, continues to

     deepen. In General, periodic high priority on learning, easy to grasp and practice: recurrent learning factors, long time, prone to "sluggish". Learning programmes are explicitly required to learn education is not an event, but to highlight the normal education, differentiated levels, heart, catch a fine practice, the real party's ideological and political construction in the everyday, often. This requires that we do a good job phase focused learning based on knowledge contests, comments on rewards in the form, pay special attention to recurring studies. To handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. For any unit or individual, objectively speaking, in the process of carrying out the party Constitution Party rules and spirit, there is a problem with strong and weak, which we need to pay attention to the actual learning content, and handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. On one hand, we must always keep a humble attitude, good deal, Continue the hardening. The other hand, always keep the spirit of energetic, pegged to the weak link to find gaps, fill the short Board. Short Board issues should not be underestimated, the saying goes, have short Board, add a short. This tells us, there are weaknesses shortcomings and do not be afraid, fear is a blind eye and not to repair, the result is poor is worse and the weak weaker. United States politics home zhamusi, and Wilson and prevention crime learn experts qiaozhikailin proposed has a famous of broken window theory, that, if a building House has a fan window of glass broken has, and this fan Windows no get timely repair, others on May to broke more of window glass, time a long, these damaged of window on to people caused a disorder, and matter of feel, results in this mass errors think no attention, and no management of atmosphere Xia, some bad culture, and violations behavior on will breeding and spread. Reality life in the is such, clean of wall Shang, suddenly was posted has a Zhang ad, if didn't people management, not out days this wall Shang on will appeared greatly small many of advertising; private take mess built phenomenon is so, began circle a small block to built a small shed put things, if didn't people timely stop, he on dare built a hut live people, time long has didn't people tube, wants to tube Shi on difficult has. Therefore, the solid strong is important, a lot to learn is also important. Third, key, grasp the learning objective of education is to train a qualified party member "two" study and education to its core essence is learning and doing. Learning and doing are mutually reinforcing, if optical can't do, study leave, real learning deficiency, while sweating, wind and water, "one fishing white" became "fake words and not the mules". Learning party rules did not comply with the party Constitution, address the learning series is not used, instead, learn and do, imagine this "learning", how do you meet the eligibility requirements of party members. Therefore, the "two" basic learning, the key is in use, do, line. In particular, is a qualified party members to grasp the following three points. To strengthen "four

     deepen. In General, periodic high priority on learning, easy to grasp and practice: recurrent learning factors, long time, prone to "sluggish". Learning programmes are explicitly required to learn education is not an event, but to highlight the normal education, differentiated levels, heart, catch a fine practice, the real party's ideological and political construction in the everyday, often. This requires that we do a good job phase focused learning based on knowledge contests, comments on rewards in the form, pay special attention to recurring studies. To handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. For any unit or individual, objectively speaking, in the process of carrying out the party Constitution Party rules and spirit, there is a problem with strong and weak, which we need to pay attention to the actual learning content, and handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. On one hand, we must always keep a humble attitude, good deal, Continue the hardening. The other hand, always keep the spirit of energetic, pegged to the weak link to find gaps, fill the short Board. Short Board issues should not be underestimated, the saying goes, have short Board, add a short. This tells us, there are weaknesses shortcomings and do not be afraid, fear is a blind eye and not to repair, the result is poor is worse and the weak weaker. United States politics home zhamusi, and Wilson and prevention crime learn experts qiaozhikailin proposed has a famous of broken window theory, that, if a building House has a fan window of glass broken has, and this fan Windows no get timely repair, others on May to broke more of window glass, time a long, these damaged of window on to people caused a disorder, and matter of feel, results in this mass errors think no attention, and no management of atmosphere Xia, some bad culture, and violations behavior on will breeding and spread. Reality life in the is such, clean of wall Shang, suddenly was posted has a Zhang ad, if didn't people management, not out days this wall Shang on will appeared greatly small many of advertising; private take mess built phenomenon is so, began circle a small block to built a small shed put things, if didn't people timely stop, he on dare built a hut live people, time long has didn't people tube, wants to tube Shi on difficult has. Therefore, the solid strong is important, a lot to learn is also important. Third, key, grasp the learning objective of education is to train a qualified party member "two" study and education to its core essence is learning and doing. Learning and doing are mutually reinforcing, if optical can't do, study leave, real learning deficiency, while sweating, wind and water, "one fishing white" became "fake words and not the mules". Learning party rules did not comply with the party Constitution, address the learning series is not used, instead, learn and do, imagine this "learning", how do you meet the eligibility requirements of party members. Therefore, the "two" basic learning, the key is in use, do, line. In particular, is a qualified party members to grasp the following three points. To strengthen "four

     guarantee for the great struggle. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including exercise thrift, against extravagance mass line is party of lifeline and fundamental work route accurate grasp party of mass line education practice activities of guideline and target requirements set and develop "three strict three real" of style put power shut into system of cage in using history wisdom advance anti-corruption construction in-depth advance style clean government and anti-corruption struggle develop nail nail of spirit, a Zhang good of blueprint worked to... 9. other aspects. 18 big yilai, XI General Secretary also respectively on diplomatic, and military, and ecological construction, aspects published has important speech, covers has construction ecological civilization, and advance defense and army modern, and rich "one country, two systems" practice and advance country unified, and go peace development road, and promoted building new powers relationship, and go good around diplomatic work, and strengthening and developing countries solidarity cooperation, and active participation multilateral affairs, and science of thinking and work method, many aspects. XI Jinping, Secretary of a series of important speeches, and further enrich and develop the party's theory, line, principles and policies, the party puts forward new requirements for more contemporary features, the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Four methods. To address the relationship between comprehensive and focused on science. In the process of learning, we should follow as a good study and carry out the "wise men" to conduct a comprehensive collaborative learning; and with their own jobs, focus research and understanding spirit, grasp the potential requirements. For example, every party member should be according to the various branches of learning program, an article does not go into a link, no leakage of conducting a comprehensive study, and combined with their own duties and responsibilities, be focused and targeted Geoscience. Like, leaders to highlight learning XI on ruling acting political know of deep love of cut dry in practice go in forefront of river new language out poverty XI on coordination advance "four a full" strategy layout discusses excerpts XI on full deepening reform discusses excerpts XI on full law ruling discusses excerpts 18 big yilai XI on major economic problem discusses excerpts, discipline to highlight learning XI on strict party of discipline and rules discusses excerpts XI Jinping, on the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption discussed excerpts, technology to highlight the learning of the XI Jinping on technological innovation and discusses excerpts, XI Jinping, education should highlight the important excerpts of work on education and so on. To address the relation between stage and often science. Phase has the advantage of time to focus on fast, to highlight the theme, focused, result; often learn the advantages of flexible fit, form, subtle, continues to

     deepen. In General, periodic high priority on learning, easy to grasp and practice: recurrent learning factors, long time, prone to "sluggish". Learning programmes are explicitly required to learn education is not an event, but to highlight the normal education, differentiated levels, heart, catch a fine practice, the real party's ideological and political construction in the everyday, often. This requires that we do a good job phase focused learning based on knowledge contests, comments on rewards in the form, pay special attention to recurring studies. To handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. For any unit or individual, objectively speaking, in the process of carrying out the party Constitution Party rules and spirit, there is a problem with strong and weak, which we need to pay attention to the actual learning content, and handle the relationship between solid strong to learn and a lot to learn. On one hand, we must always keep a humble attitude, good deal, Continue the hardening. The other hand, always keep the spirit of energetic, pegged to the weak link to find gaps, fill the short Board. Short Board issues should not be underestimated, the saying goes, have short Board, add a short. This tells us, there are weaknesses shortcomings and do not be afraid, fear is a blind eye and not to repair, the result is poor is worse and the weak weaker. United States politics home zhamusi, and Wilson and prevention crime learn experts qiaozhikailin proposed has a famous of broken window theory, that, if a building House has a fan window of glass broken has, and this fan Windows no get timely repair, others on May to broke more of window glass, time a long, these damaged of window on to people caused a disorder, and matter of feel, results in this mass errors think no attention, and no management of atmosphere Xia, some bad culture, and violations behavior on will breeding and spread. Reality life in the is such, clean of wall Shang, suddenly was posted has a Zhang ad, if didn't people management, not out days this wall Shang on will appeared greatly small many of advertising; private take mess built phenomenon is so, began circle a small block to built a small shed put things, if didn't people timely stop, he on dare built a hut live people, time long has didn't people tube, wants to tube Shi on difficult has. Therefore, the solid strong is important, a lot to learn is also important. Third, key, grasp the learning objective of education is to train a qualified party member "two" study and education to its core essence is learning and doing. Learning and doing are mutually reinforcing, if optical can't do, study leave, real learning deficiency, while sweating, wind and water, "one fishing white" became "fake words and not the mules". Learning party rules did not comply with the party Constitution, address the learning series is not used, instead, learn and do, imagine this "learning", how do you meet the eligibility requirements of party members. Therefore, the "two" basic learning, the key is in use, do, line. In particular, is a qualified party members to grasp the following three points. To strengthen "four

    相关关键词: 赋予矢志使命必达

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