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    时间:2020-08-30 18:35:32 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站




    adj. 罕见的,特殊的,半熟的;半生的,稀薄的,经过稀化的,三分熟

    变形:比较级:rarer; 最高级:rarest;





    It is rare to find such a genius nowadays.这样的天才现在很少见。

    It was in the days when motorcars were rare.那是在汽车还罕见的时代。

    He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rareanimals.他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。


    1、It remained an exceptionally rare book until it was reprinted in1918.


    2、It was a rare pleasure to see him in action.


    3、As we approached the summit we were vouchsafed a rare vision.



    1.Mispronunciation of this word is comparatively rare.把此字发音读错的人较少。

    2.A rare bird has just flown by.一只罕见的鸟刚飞了过去。

    3.The air is rare at high altitudes.高处空气稀薄。

    4.I'll be ready and raring to go.我很乐意,巴不得马上开始。

    5.My verse your virtues rare shall eternize.我的诗将使你的美德长留。

    6.It is a temple of rare architectural beauty.论建筑之美, 那是一座极少有的寺院。

    7.Ilvaite is a rare mineral of calcium-iron-bearingsilicate.黑柱石是一种少见的含钙铁硅酸盐矿物。

    8.Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain.红色松鼠在英国已十分罕见了。

    9.It was a time when motorcars were rare.那是汽车很罕见的时代。

    10.That bird is very rare in this country.那种鸟在这个国家很稀有。

    11.In fact I've rarely seen such a pesthole.事实上我以前很少见到这样的害虫的洞穴.

    12.Victorian women were rarely allowed to express theirsexuality.维多利亚时代几乎不让女性表达自己的性兴趣。

    13.There is a rare condition known as hereditaryspherocytosis.在实验室中,可见渗透脆性增加。

    14.The rarer it is, the more it is worth.物以稀为贵。

    15.Aids victims often develop a rare type of cancer.艾滋病患者往往会罹患某种罕见的癌症。

    16.Pancarditis is a rare and fatal disease innewborns.死后病理报告为金黄色葡萄球菌全心脏炎。

    17.Petals white, subovate, very small, apex acuminate, rarely2-fid.花瓣白色,近卵形,很小,先端渐尖,很少2裂。

    18.In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above freezingpoint.在南极,温度很少升到零度以上。

    19.The doctor diagnosed my illness as a rare skindisease.医生诊断我的病为罕见的皮肤病。

    20.Inflorescence a cyme surrounded by bracteal leaves, rarely flowersolitary.一聚伞花序苞片的叶,很少花单生包围的花序。


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