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    时间:2020-08-21 08:50:21 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站

      Topic: WeChatDiscussion Points:1.Preparation - There will be focus on some important new words, and you will be asked to translate the sentence into English 预习重点词句,翻译出下列常用句子的意思Business is businessGive me a lift/rideDrop me a lineWatch your mouthBehind the time2. Reading - Short reading segment about “Wechat,” members will read out loud and summarize the text. Teachers and other members will correct any mistakes made. 阅读短文“微信”3. Small Talk - Greetings (As the members will need to learn situations they may face in everyday life)小话题:如何打招呼 a. Members will practice how to greetings with someone - This will be done in pairs, or if a really big group, in groups of 3s. Members should use this as a chance to ask and answer questions about someone (give them an example of questions they may ask when talking about someone). 我们会准备三个关于“打招呼”的小对话,大家需要两两分组情景模拟,如果人数多的话,三人一组。b. After practicing the conservation, two groups will be chosen at random to demonstrate in front of us (without the use of paper dialogue). This is your chance to see where your English level is at and where to improve it – Don’t worry about making mistakes. 对话结束后,邀请三组现场进行对话表演Topic discussion (Wechat) 主题讨论(微信)a. Do you use wechat or not? How long do you spend on Wechat every day? b. How does it influence your life? Share your experience with usc. Are you a Wechataholic? What do you think of it? d. Every things has two sides, in your opinion, what are the positives/negatives of WeChat?

     Words ListNew Words –WechatEnglishChineseExample SentenceWechat 微信, wechataholic 微信控, addict上瘾的, negative effect副作用, positive effect 积极作用, HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0);" social? HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0);" contact社交, interact互动,  HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0);" convenient方便的, platform,平台, serch 搜索, interpersonal人与人之间的,put the camera打开视频, e-commerce电子商务,marketing营销,potential threat潜在威胁,anti-social反社会的, NEET(Not in Education,Employment or Trainning)啃老族, recluse隐居的, keep in touch保持联系, update更新, user profile用户信息, avatar头像, user name用户名, password密码, security question密保, forgot password忘记密码, reset password重置密码, subscribe申请,unsubscribe注销, post sth online在网上发布, send a message发信息,Every thing has two sides事情都有两面性,Better later than never迟到总比不到好

     Greetings:Example 1:A: Hi, how are you doing?

     B: Fine. How about yourself?

     A: I'm pretty good. Thanks for asking.

     B: No problem. Anything news these days?A: Oh, yes, I'm in school right now.

     B: What school do you go to?

     A: I go to  HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0);" Stanford

     B: Do you like it there?

     A: It's okay. It's a really big campus.

     B: Good luck with school.

     A: Thank you very much.

     B: You are welcome.

     Example 2:A: How's it going?

     B: I'm doing well. How about you?

     A: Never better, thanks.

     B: So how have you been lately?

     A: I've actually been pretty good. You?

     B: I'm actually find a new job right now.

     A: What’s your new job?

     B: As a seller in  HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0);" Mcdonald's

     A: Are you enjoying it there?

     B: It's not bad. There are a lot of people there.

     A: Good luck with that.

     B: Thanks.

     Example 3:

     A: How are you doing today?

     B: I'm doing great. What about you?

     A: I'm absolutely lovely, thank you.

     B: Everything's been good with you?

     A: I haven't been better. How about yourself?

     B: I started school recently.

     A: Where are you going to school?

     B: I'm going to  HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0);" Peking? HYPERLINK "javascript:void(0);" University

     A: How do you like it so far?

     B: I like it so far. My classes are pretty good right now.

     A: I wish you luck.

     B: Thanks a lot.

    相关关键词: wechat电脑版官方下载 wechat wechat网页版 vwechattitle wechat网页版登陆
    相关热词搜索: wechat 主题 wechat

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