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  • 物业管理条例实施新细则

    时间:2020-08-14 08:03:09 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站



      物业管理条例实施细则全文 第一章 总则

      第一条 为了规范物业管理活动,维护业主和物业管理企业的合法权益,改善人民群众的生活和工作环境,制定本条例。

      第二条 本条例所称物业管理,是指业主通过选聘物业管理企业,由业主和物业管理企


      第三条 国务院建设行政主管部门负责全国物业管理活动的监督管理工作。

      第四条 国家鼓励物业管理采用新技术、新方法,依靠科技进步提高管理和服务水平。

      第五条 国家提倡业主通过公开、公平、公正的市场竞争机制选择物业管理企业。


      第二章 业主及业主大会

      第六条 房屋的所有权人为业主。业主在物业管理活动中,享有下列权利:











      第七条 业主在物业管理活动中,履行下列义务:







      第八条 一个物业管理区域成立一个业主大会


      第九条 物业管理区域内全体业主组成业主大会。业主大会应当代表和维护物业管理区域内全体业主在物业管理活动中的合法权益。

      第十条 同一个物业管理区域内的业主,应当在物业所在地的区、县人民政府房地产行政主管部门的 指导下成立业主大会,并选举产生业主委员会。但是,只有一个业主的,或者业主人数较少且经全体业主一致同意,决定不成立业主大会的,由业主共同履行业主大会、业主委员会职责。业主在首次业主大会会议上的投票权,根据业主拥有物业的建筑面积、住宅套数等因素确定。具体办法由省、自治区、直辖市制定。

      第十一条 业主大会会议可以采用集体讨论的形式,也可以采用书面征求意见的形式;但应当有物业管理区域内持有12以上投票权的业主参加。


      第十二条 业主大会履行下列职责:







      第十三条 业主大会会议分为定期会议和临时会议。


      第十四条 召开业主大会会议,应当于会议召开15日以前通知全体业主。



      第十五条 业主委员会是业主大会的执行机构,履行下列职责:






      第十六条 业主委员会应当自选举产生之日起30日内,向物业所在地的区、县人民政府房地产行政主管部门备案。



      第十七条 业主公约应当对有关物业的使用、维护、管理,业主的共同利益,业主应当履行的义务,



      第十八条 业主大会议事规则应当就业主大会的议事方式、表决程序、业主投票权确定办法、业主委员会的组成和委员任期等事项作出约定。

      第十九条 业主大会、业主委员会应当依法履行职责,不得作出与物业管理无关的决定,不得从事与物业管理无关的活动。

      业主大会 业主委员会作出的决定违反法律、法规的,物业所在地的区、县人民政府房地产行政主管部门,应当责令限期改正或者撤销其决定,并通告全体业主。

      第二十条 业主大会、业主委员会应当配合公安机关,与居民委员会相互协作,共同做好维护物业管理区域内的社会治安等相关工作。



      第三章 前期物业管理

      第二十一条 在业主、业主大会选聘物业管理企业之前,建设单位选聘物业管理企业的,应当签订书 面的前期物业服务合同。

      第二十二条 建设单位应当在销售物业之前,制定业主临时公约,对有关物业的使用、维护、管理,



      第二十三条 建设单位应当在物业销售前将业主临时公约向物业买受人明示,并予以说明。


      第二十四条 国家提倡建设单位按照房地产开发与物业管理相分离的原则,通过招投标的方式选聘具有相应资质的物业管理企业。住宅物业的建设单位,应当通过招投标的方式选聘具有相应资质的物业管理企业;投标人少于3个或者住宅规模较小的,经物业所在地的区、县人民政府房地产行政主管部门批准,可以采用协议方式选聘具有相应资质的物业管理企业。

      第二十五条 建设单位与物业买受人签订的买卖合同应当包含前期物业服务合同约定的内容。

      第二十六条 前期物业服务合同可以约定期限;但是,期限未满、业主委员会与物业管理企业签订的物业服务合同生效的,前期物业服务合同终止。

      第二十七条 业主依法享有的物业共用部位、共用设施设备的所有权或者使用权,建设单位不得擅自处分。

      第二十八条 物业管理企业承接物业时,应当对物业共用部位、共用设施设备进行查验。

      第二十九条 在办理物业承接验收手续时,建设单位应当向物业管理企业移交下列资料:






      第三十条 建设单位应当按照规定在物业管理区域内配置必要的物业管理用房。

      第三十一条 建设单位应当按照国家规定的保修期限和保修范围,承担物业的保修责任。

      第四章 物业管理服务

      第三十二条 从事物业管理活动的企业应当具有独立的法人资格。


      第三十三条 从事物业管理的人员应当按照国家有关规定,取得职业资格证书。

      第三十四条 一个物业管理区域由一个物业管理企业实施物业管理。

      第三十五条 业主委员会应当与业主大会选聘的物业管理企业订立书面的物业服务合同


      第三十六条 物业管理企业应当按照物业服务合同的约定,提供相应的服务。

      物业管理企业未能履行物业服务合同的约定,导致业主人身、财产安全受到损害的,应当依法承担 相应的法律责任。

      第三十七条 物业管理企业承接物业时,应当与业主委员会办理物业验收手续。


      第三十八条 物业管理用房的所有权依法属于业主。未经业主大会同意,物业管理企业不得改变物业 管理用房的用途。

      第三十九条 物业服务合同终止时,物业管理企业应当将物业管理用房和本条、例第二十九条、第一款规 定的资料交还给业主委员会。物业服务合同终止时,业主大会选聘了新的物业管理企业的,物业管理企业之间应当做好交接工作。

      第四十条 物业管理企业可以将物业管理区域内的专项服务业务委托给专业性服务企业,但不得将该 区域内的全部物业管理一并委托给他人。

      第四十一条 物业服务收费应当遵循合理、公开以及费用与服务水平相适应的原则,区别不同物业的 性质和特点,由业主和物业管理企业按照国务院价格主管部门会同国务院建设行政主管部门制定的物业服务收费办法,在物业服务合同中约定。

      第四十二条 业主应当根据物业服务合同的约定交纳物业服务费用。业主与物业使用人约定由物业使用人交纳物业服务费用的,从其约定,业主负连带交纳责任。已竣工但尚未出售或者尚未交给物业买受人的物业,物业服务费用由建设单位交纳。

      第四十三条 县级以上人民政府价格主管部门会同同级房地产行政主管部门,应当加强对物业服务收 费的监督。

      第四十四条 物业管理企业可以根据业主的委托提供物业服务合同约定以外的服务项目,服务报酬由 双方约定。

      第四十五条 物业管理区域内,供水、供电、供气、供热、通讯、有线电视等单位应当向最终用户收取有关费用。物业管理企业接受委托代收前款费用的,不得向业主收取手续费等额外费用。

      第四十六条 对物业管理区域内违反有关治安、环保、物业装饰装修和使用等方面法律、法规规定的 行为,物业管理企业应当制止,并及时向有关行政管理部门报告。


      第四十七条 物业管理企业应当协助做好物业管理区域内的安全防范工作。发生安全事故时,物业管理企业在采取应急措施的同时,应当及时向有关行政管理部门报告,协助做好救助工作。


      第四十八条 物业使用人在物业管理活动中的权利义务由业主和物业使用人约定,但不得违反法律、法规和业主公约的有关规定。物业使用人违反本条、例和业主公约的规定,有关业主应当承担连带责任。

      第四十九条 县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门应当及时处理业主、业主委员会、物业使用人和物业管理企业在物业管理活动中的投诉。

      第五章 物业的使用与维护

      第五十条 物业管理区域内按照规划建设的公共建筑和共用设施,不得改变用途。


      第五十一条 业主、物业管理企业不得擅自占用、挖掘物业管理区域内的道路、场地,损害业主的共同利益。



      第五十二条 供水、供电、供气、供热、通讯、有线电视等单位,应当依法承担物业管理区域内相关管线和设施设备维修、养护的责任。


      第五十三条 业主需要装饰装修房屋的,应当事先告知物业管理企业。


      第五十四条 住宅物业、住宅小区内的非住宅物业或者与单幢住宅楼结构相连的非住宅物业的业主,应当按照国家有关规定交纳专项维修资金。专项维修资金属业主所有,专项用于物业保修期满后物业共用部位、共用设施设备的维修和更新、改造,不得挪作他用。专项维修资金收取、使用、管理的办法由国务院建设行政主管部门会同国务院财政部门制定。

      第五十五条 利用物业共用部位、共用设施设备进行经营的,应当在征得相关业主、业主大会、物业管理企业的同意后,按照规定办理有关手续。业主所得收益应当主要用于补充专项维修资金,也可以按照业主大会的决定使用。

      第五十六条 物业存在安全隐患,危及公共利益及他人合法权益时,责任人应当及时维修养护,有关业主应当给予配合。

      责任人不履行维修养护义务的,经业主大会同意,可以由物业管理企业维修养护,费用由责任人承 担。

      第六章 法律责任

      第五十七条 违反本条、例的规定,住宅物业的建设单位未通过招投标的方式选聘物业管理企业或者未 经批准,擅自采用协议方式选聘物业管理企业的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门责令限 期改正,给予警告,可以并处10万元以下的罚款。

      第五十八条 违反本条、例的规定,建设单位擅自处分属于业主的物业共用部位、共用设施设备的所有 权或者使用权的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门处5万元以上20万元以下的罚款;给业主 造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

      第五十九条 违反本条、例的规定,不移交有关资料的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门责令限期改正;逾期仍不移交有关资料的,对建设单位、物业管理企业予以通报,处1万元以上10万元以下的罚款。

      第六十条 违反本条、例的规定,未取得资质证书从事物业管理的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行 政主管部门没收违法所得,并处5万元以上20万元以下的罚款;给业主造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。以欺骗手段取得资质证书的,依照本条、第一款规定处罚,并由颁发资质证书的部门吊销资质证书。

      第六十一条 违反本条、例的规定,物业管理企业聘用未取得物业管理职业资格证书的人员从事物业管 理活动的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门责令停止违法行为,处5万元以上20万元以下的罚款;给业主造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

      第六十二条 违反本条、例的规定,物业管理企业将一个物业管理区域内的全部物业管理一并委托给他人的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门责令限期改正,处委托合同价款30%以上50%以下的罚款;情节严重的,由颁发资质证书的部门吊销资质证书。委托所得收益,用于物业管理区域内物业共 用部位、共用设施设备的维修、养护,剩余部分按照业主大会的决定使用;给业主造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。

      第六十三条 违反本条、例的规定,挪用专项维修资金的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门追回挪用的专项维修资金,给予警告,没收违法所得,可以并处挪用数额2倍以下的罚款;物业管理企 业挪用专项维修资金,情节严重的,并由颁发资质证书的部门吊销资质证书;构成犯罪的,依法追究直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员的刑事责任。

      第六十四条 违反本条、例的规定,建设单位在物业管理区域内不按照规定配置必要的物业管理用房的 ,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门责令限期改正,给予警告,没收违法所得,并处10万元 以上50万元以下的罚款。

      第六十五条 违反本条、例的规定,未经业主大会同意,物业管理企业擅自改变物业管理用房的用途的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门责令限期改正,给予警告,并处1万元以上10万元以下的 罚款;有收益的,所得收益用于物业管理区域内物业共用部位、共用设施设备的维修、养护,剩余部分按照业主大会的决定使用。

      第六十六条 违反本条、例的规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门责令限期改正,给予警告,并按照本条、第二款的规定处以罚款;所得收益,用于物业管理区域内物业共用部位、共用设施设备的维修、养护,剩余部分按照业主大会的决定使用:




      个人有前款规定行为之一的,处1000元以上1万元以下的罚款;单位有前款规定行为之一的,处5万 元以上20万元以下的罚款。

      第六十七条 违反物业服务合同约定,业主逾期不交纳物业服务费用的,业主委员会应当督促其限期 交纳;逾期仍不交纳的,物业管理企业可以向人民法院起诉。

      第六十八条 业主以业主大会或者业主委员会的名义,从事违反法律、法规的活动,构成犯罪的,依 法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予治安管理处罚。

      第六十九条 违反本条、例的规定,国务院建设行政主管部门、县级以上地方人民政府房地产行政主管部门或者其他有关行政管理部门的工作人员利用职务上的便利,收受他人财物或者其他好处,不依法履 行监督管理职责,或者发现违法行为不予查处,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

      第七章 附则

      第七十条 本条、例自2017年9月1日起施行。

      物业管理的服务 (1)房屋建筑主体的管理及住宅装修的日常监督;








     daily morning exercises or class-break setting-up exercise and discipline inspection and appraisal of public signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school appearance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership class discipline three rounds.Weekly moral education work:L, the flag raising ceremony and the "national flag" speech under the flag raising ceremony held on Monday";2, every week a class meeting, the meeting;3, every week "two exercises, cleaning and hygiene, behavior norms, attendance" situation published cloth appraisal, and the issue of the code of conduct;;4, weekly work week.Monthly moral education work:1, at least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, combined with major retreat day.2, the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model class.Moral education in each term:1, at the end of each semester to form "three good student", "outstanding student cadres", "civilized student".2, at least once a semester, parents will be.,Student etiquette conventionA, the school leavers1, dress neatly to wear school card, step posture correct, full of spirit; cycling of the same students, at the school gate and get off, go to the car line of the school; are not allowed to ride a bicycle in the campus, bicycle according to the specified location;;2, no time to school, had to leave school. A special reason to leave school early to school, the teacher signature issued on release;3, order out of the school gate, not chasing;B, classroom activities4, the classroom desks and chairs, arranged in order, decorate beautiful;5, the students on duty should promptly clean the blackboard, sweep the floor, turn off the lights, close the doors and windows, lock the door;6, keep the classroom clean, no spitting, no littering debris and other debris;7, not in the desk, doors and windows, walls, etc. The Painted graffiti graffiti board;8, the preparation of the bell ring, sitting in their own position, and do a good lesson preparation, keep the classroom quiet;9, when the class to stand up to the teacher Shi Hangli; class speech first raise their hands;10, listen attentively. Speak to raise their hands to answer questions, to stand up to loud sounds;L1, not to be late, do not leave early, not late into the classroom to play truant. Standing in the doorway shouting "report", raised by the teacher agreed to in classroom;;L2, to concentrate on self-study, do not do and learning has nothing to do;13, do not copy homework, do not cheat in the exam;C, assembly activityIn L4, the flag raising ceremony, solemn, neat, orderly queue team, for the national flag stood for salute. The national anthem, the original should be standing.15, exercise to do fast, quiet, qi;16, the rally should be punctual, keep quiet speak first to Su; teachers and audience charming year ceremony, the end of the speech of thanks; to watch the performances, games, applause to appropriate moderation.D, campus health177, keep the corridor clean, sanitary, quiet, do not push, do not push, do not play slapstick;18, do not pour from upstairs downstairs, spitting, throwing debris;19, clean area on duty to seriously do the clean health work area;20, take good care of the campus environment, do not litter. Paper towels, peel, beverage bottles, food packaging bags, etc. should be thrown into the designated bins;2L, love and care for school facilities and equipment, care of flowers and trees on campus park;E, civilized and polite22, teachers and visitors to take the initiative to say hello, smiling;; answer question to teachers, guests stand up, generous, humble, polite;;23, the use of good manners, please, please, you, Hello, thank you, no, no, no matter, goodbye;244, the use of body language: smile, shake hands, waving, clapping, right salute comity, stand up to answer questions;255, respect and help the old, young, sick, disabled, and walk out of the way, car seat, shopping, let;26, eat at home please elders sit, or your home or go home to parents to say hello;277, respect for teachers, teachers first comity long walk, criticism and education, the teacher, to listen to, don't argue, don't hit Dingding. Is there a problem, explain afterwards;28, do not casually into the classroom, into the teacher's office, to call the report;29, to unity and friendship among the students, and do not give students a nickname, do not bully the small students, students have difficulties, to help each other;30, the contradiction between students, to self-disciplined, and their more self broad-minded toward others, criticized;31, the male and female students exchanges to be dignified, generous nature;F, moral accomplishment32, dress and speech and deportment should pay attention to the occasion, do not wear slippers class and to participate in meetings, the party will not wear, with their age and identity copy does not match the clothes and ornaments. Not Hair Coloring, boys do not have long hair; girls do not perm perm, do not wear high heels. Pepe put into the school to school card, conversation good manners.33, no swearing, no profanity, no smoking, no drinking, no stealing, no gambling, no minors into the business of Internet cafes;34, form the habit of saving habits, advocate plain living, without ostentation and extravagance, not compare;35, without the consent of others, not to use other things, borrow things to be returned on time, damage to the compensation, pick up things to be handed over to the father;36, honest, trustworthy and commitment to the other side can not be done, to apologize and explain to the other side, to achieve understanding.Class quantitative assessment1, classroom discipline:Attendance: in the normal class or school for the mid-term exam during the period, absenteeism or absent 1 people class deducted 1 points, the 1 passengers arrive late or leave early leave class buckle, buckle points is not a plus.The classroom teacher in the class and the middle order: every stage during the exam, exam, exam, class or disorder, by the teacher to reflect the class is true, a deduction of 2 points. The class where self ZiXiKe classroom disorder, after examination to check real persons, a deduction of the class of 2 points.2, subject contest: where was awarded the National Award for the class of 110 points in the competition and all kinds of disciplines in the race, won the National Award for everyone the was 5; by the provincial award for the class of 6 points, a provincial award to the people was 3 by the municipal incentives;; give the class Gaga 4 points, a reward for municipal people for the year 2; by the excitation to the class level awards overtime 2 points, each grade award to the University by over 1 points.3, night repair management: attendance at 2 rising class. The students' attendance status by grade examination, a day after the summary of electronic text on Friday night to make room at night. The moral confusion class discipline, a deduction of 2 points, the late repair time stay outside the classroom students, according to the lack of from each treatment, 1 points deducted.4, class content class appearance:Each month by a group of Youth League, student organizations, inspection and assessment, who was awarded first prize for the year 66, two prize plus 5 points, third-prize prize plus 4 points, excellent prize plus 3 points.No serious implementation of the class, a deduction of 5 points.5, student instrument:Students should be simple and elegant appearance, do not stay with my age, identity does not conform to the hair, do not wear earrings, rings and necklaces and other ornaments, do not wear clothing does not conform to the identity of students, no makeup, not in the classroom without wearing a collarless sleeveless vest, the public does not wear drag slippers.Violation of the provisions of the deduction of 1 points per person.6, the title of honor and discipline:Was awarded the honorary title of the national class to the 550 points, at the national level to give the class Gaga 10; at the provincial level to the provincial class Gaga 20 points, to the class of Gaga 5; to the municipal level class plus 110 points, plus 33 points to the class university; for the class of 5 points, the 1 points to the class.This class of students who are law school discipline punishment, deducted 3 points. The class was detained by the public security organ such as punishment, deducted 20 points. If the class such as the emergence of major accidents, according to the relevant provisions of the school separately.7, good and good:Students or class of each body to do a good thing or a pickup thing like a class to the discretion to increase 0.. - 2 points, up 2 points reward collective activities encourage the highest limit, plus a week high of 2 points. If found to resort to deceit false, after examination and verification, to cancel the class this year the appraised qualifications.8, labor:The school's general room layout work task: after examination and verification, to complete the task, good class for each plus 2 points, to complete the task of the general class is not a plus no penalty, not to complete each task as the deduction of 2 points.9 classes, classrooms and each class is responsible for the staircase, corridor and health:The classroom and responsible for the staircase, corridor should be kept clean, every day by the Youth League, students will organize inspection, not clean, every time the button the class 1.10, property insurance:Every month the organization of the general affairs office of school class property, inspect the protection and use of facilities, such as property preservation good, to the class of 2 points. If Gaga man-made damage, except in addition to each class and school General Affairs Office of the signing of the contract in accordance with the provisions of compensation, but also quantitative deduction the deduction of the class. Check for damage in the classrooms of broadcasting and television system button 20; the damage of a blackboard plate deducted 10 points; the damage of a class desk or podium deducted 5 points; the damage of a bad chair or bench deducted 2 points; the damage of a glass button 2 for everyone.11, style competition:In the school field track and field campaign by the total score of the first group of 8 points, second plus 7 points, 6 third points, 5 fourth points, 4 fifth points, 3 sixth points, 2 seventh points, 1 eighth points.Won the first prize plus 88 points in the military parade, two prize plus 6 points, third-prize award outstanding awards plus 4 points, 2 points.In the school arts festival won first prize award two prize plus 8 points, 6 points, 33 prize plus 4 points, 2 points. Excellence AwardWhere a person on behalf of participate in sports competitions in various sports competitions and won the provincial than before eight, a person in the class to add 3 points; won the top eight in the city of various body sports, a person to the class 2 points.In the school organization of inter class sports for the collective first to the class plus 6 points, two prize plus 4 points, third-prize Award for outstanding 33 points, 2 points.In the year of grade group, small sports competition organized by the student union in the collective first Gaga 4, two prize, three prize plus 3 points, 2 points, prize plus 1 points.12, team activities:By the Provincial Communist Youth League as the advanced league or brigade office, to the place was 10;; by the City Communist Youth League as the advanced league or brigade department, to the place was 8 points; the school committee was rated as advanced group branch branch or brigade department awarded the regiment, branch and branch brigade Department in the class plus 5 points.According to the requirements of the students to participate in group activities, was informed of the class to the class to add 3 points, was informed criticism and evaluation of the deduction of 3 points.133, morning exercises, the flag raising ceremony and various sets of meetings, extracurricular activities:Lack of a person times deducted 1 points.Moral education, sports and health Yiyi room on each class queue, discipline, number of inspections and assessments, divided into four levels in the appraisal.14, score requirements::Each class based 100/ week, training class, key class points right value multiplied by a monthly summary, scores are sorted in the school and grade level according to the scores, and were cited by the school.15, reward:The weekly quantitative average ranking in the grade of single unit, according to the 30% 'code of conduct to "excellent class fan, school behavior rules of excellent class" honorary flag, monthly from the norms of behavior in the top 122 outstanding class - 15 "code of conduct demonstration classes, the school issued" code of conduct in the demonstration class "honor card and 100 yuan prize.At the end of every school year scores by the total score points are arranged from high to low in the advanced class. To draw municipal, provincial and national advanced class family level collective shall have first advanced in school class.The teacher in charge of the quantitative assessment1, the assessment of nuclear data archiving and storage, and assessment of nuclear data together as a future class of advanced collective body, top ten moral model selection, on the basis of performance bonuses according to the class director.2, the teacher in charge by the school class management quantitative assessment leading group to conduct the assessment, the specific assessment work is responsible for the moral education.3, the performance of each month issued a bonus 200 yuan per capita, are divided into three levels. One by one: 240 yuan, two 200 yuan, three 160 yuan. According to teacher evaluation scores according to the ratio of 2:66:2 release.4, the class teacher in charge to quantify the assessment component: in order to quantify the class and grade assessment of the average score of 500% as the class management effect:In a timely manner to the grade group, moral education room reported student discipline, violations of the situation. As real reported to the specific circumstances of the case deducted 2 points / person.Attend a meeting of directors working overtime, absenteeism buckle 5 points late deducted 1 points.In accordance with the provisions of the various table to hand over all kinds of table space, planning, summary and so on, do not pay 1 times 5 points deducted, late 1 times deducted 1 points.. not on time to hand in the hand of the class teacher manual > the 100 points.According to the requirements of a good class Gaga 1 points, a lack of each deduction of 2 points.According to the requirements of each semester to 3 times the class teacher Ren exchange, each missing a deduction of 1 points.Every Monday to carry out a second class, a lack of a point deduction. In the class meeting to observe the activities of the class competitions live class, won the first prize plus 5 points, two prize 3, third-prize plus 22 points.The teacher actively writing de moral education papers in national journals published plus 8 /1 articles published in journals of provincial level; the 5 points /1 Sylvia; plus 33 points /1 in the city or school exchanges.A detailed record of the class management, especially backward into the health education transformation. Inspection inspection of passengers 2 -5.A teacher to student family interview time, lack of a 1 point deduction. The weekly class for a talk to students, lack of records deducted a talk.Class teacher work in strict accordance with the < > manual requirements fill, not according to the requirements of moral education be given the appropriate points.The four place often lack a deducted 1 points, for a deduction of the deduction.Class teacher should conscientiously perform their duties, if the work due to the bad influence, the school principal long room accountability, and cancel the month's performance efficiency incentives.Students leave1 please leave must be justified, not because of non - non - non - non - non - non - members of the marriage, funeral and leave.2 normal class time to take leave, teacher, director of the two main moral approval system, the approval by half a day, reported the grade group record case; more than a day for approval by the director of moral education group.3 leave should be written leave off the false reason, leave the number of days. The parents must be signed by the examination and approval system for approval.4 sick leave must be a hospital certificate.5 night self-study leave, the principle of leave should be carried out in advance, such as the case of special circumstances, to take duty teacher duty class leadership two to leave the examination and approval.6.. If the sick or urgent boarders to return to school on time, parents are required to directly to the class teacher leave, and then inform the teacher in charge of the branch deputy director of dormitory room. After completing school moral education and leave procedures.The flag raising ceremony students in principle, please leave.Does not fulfill the formalities leave, without leaving the program; or not perfect, extended leave, except in special circumstances may go through the formalities, the general situation in truancy.It is not practical. Please, get all that resort to deceit.

     daily morning exercises or class-break setting-up exercise and discipline inspection and appraisal of public signs;2, daily cleaning and inspection;3, the daily student school appearance, dress, wearing school card check;4, the daily duty guide to the leadership class discipline three rounds.Weekly moral education work:L, the flag raising ceremony and the "national flag" speech under the flag raising ceremony held on Monday";2, every week a class meeting, the meeting;3, every week "two exercises, cleaning and hygiene, behavior norms, attendance" situation published cloth appraisal, and the issue of the code of conduct;;4, weekly work week.Monthly moral education work:1, at least once a month, the theme of education activities, to patriotism education, behavior norms of education as the focus, combined with major retreat day.2, the monthly class quantization assessment and class teacher assessment, selection of behavior for the standard model class.Moral education in each term:1, at the end of each semester to form "three good student", "outstanding student cadres", "civilized student".2, at least once a semester, parents will be.,Student etiquette conventionA, the school leavers1, dress neatly to wear school card, step posture correct, full of spirit; cycling of the same students, at the school gate and get off, go to the car line of the school; are not allowed to ride a bicycle in the campus, bicycle according to the specified location;;2, no time to school, had to leave school. A special reason to leave school early to school, the teacher signature issued on release;3, order out of the school gate, not chasing;B, classroom activities4, the classroom desks and chairs, arranged in order, decorate beautiful;5, the students on duty should promptly clean the blackboard, sweep the floor, turn off the lights, close the doors and windows, lock the door;6, keep the classroom clean, no spitting, no littering debris and other debris;7, not in the desk, doors and windows, walls, etc. The Painted graffiti graffiti board;8, the preparation of the bell ring, sitting in their own position, and do a good lesson preparation, keep the classroom quiet;9, when the class to stand up to the teacher Shi Hangli; class speech first raise their hands;10, listen attentively. Speak to raise their hands to answer questions, to stand up to loud sounds;L1, not to be late, do not leave early, not late into the classroom to play truant. Standing in the doorway shouting "report", raised by the teacher agreed to in classroom;;L2, to concentrate on self-study, do not do and learning has nothing to do;13, do not copy homework, do not cheat in the exam;C, assembly activityIn L4, the flag raising ceremony, solemn, neat, orderly queue team, for the national flag stood for salute. The national anthem, the original should be standing.15, exercise to do fast, quiet, qi;16, the rally should be punctual, keep quiet speak first to Su; teachers and audience charming year ceremony, the end of the speech of thanks; to watch the performances, games, applause to appropriate moderation.D, campus health177, keep the corridor clean, sanitary, quiet, do not push, do not push, do not play slapstick;18, do not pour from upstairs downstairs, spitting, throwing debris;19, clean area on duty to seriously do the clean health work area;20, take good care of the campus environment, do not litter. Paper towels, peel, beverage bottles, food packaging bags, etc. should be thrown into the designated bins;2L, love and care for school facilities and equipment, care of flowers and trees on campus park;E, civilized and polite22, teachers and visitors to take the initiative to say hello, smiling;; answer question to teachers, guests stand up, generous, humble, polite;;23, the use of good manners, please, please, you, Hello, thank you, no, no, no matter, goodbye;244, the use of body language: smile, shake hands, waving, clapping, right s

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