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    时间:2018-07-23 23:16:01 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站

    中考|2018 中考英语作文最后一击


    中考|2018 中考英语作文最后一击


    中考|2018 中考英语作文最后一击


    1. 图片描述+观点类


    As is shown in the picture… 正如图片所示

    e.g. As is shown in the picture,two women were dancing in the park.



    ①___________has become a hot topic among people.

    ②We had a discussion about whether ___________ or not. Different students hold different ideas.

    ③Some think that___________. First, ___________. Besides/Second,___________.


    ①As for me/In my opinion, ___________.

    ②First of all.../Second.../What’ more...

    O n the one hand.....On the other hand....


    ①To sum up/All in all, we should...

    ②Only in this way, can we....

    2. 综合话题类


    回顾:It's a great honor for me to make a speech on behalf of(代表)the graduating classes. How time flies!Our junior high school lives will come to an end.

    感谢:First, I’d like to express my thanks to all our teachers. Through the past three years, you showed your kindness, your patience and rich knowledge. With your help, we have developed our interest in learning and made rapid progress in it. Second, it is necessary for us to say “thank you” to our classmates. We've helped each other and learned how to solve problems in study together. Finally, without parents' support, we couldn't have such a chance to enjoy our happy school life.

    祝愿:At last, we hope our school will become better, that our teachers will be healthy forever and all our dreams will come true.


    开头:I can never forget….and that day is in my mind because it has a great effect on my life.

    结尾:On that day, /From that experience, I learned that…..


    句型1:It is very important to keep/develop a healthy eating/living habit.

    句型2.We should always remember that having a good living habit/ eating habit and keeping away from those bad ones are of great importance.

    句型3:If we don’t eat breakfast on time, we probably will feel hungry in class and can’t concentrate on our study.


    例句1:I plan to travel abroad because I think it' s a good chance for me to know more about different countries all over the world.

    例句2:I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me obtain more knowledge.

    例句3: I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society.


    is friendly, outgoing and energetic. In the spare time, he/she takes great interest in….

    Our teacher is very strict with us but she is always ready to help us when anyone of us has trouble.

    She helped us use English by doing interesting activities, such as making surveys and playing games.


    例句1:As far as hobby is concerned, I prefer listening to English songs because it can give me pleasure when I’m unhappy and make me relaxed after study.

    例句2:I have been…… for 6 years and I spend much spare time on it.

    例句3:I'd like to start a…collector’s club and all my schoolmates are welcome to visit my club for free.



    Dear Terry,

    Hi, I’m….., monitor /student of Class 4, Grade 8. I’m writing to……. We are going to…...时间、地点. Please call me at ……We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is OK for you and we do hope you can…...

    We are all looking forward to your coming


    I learn that you have difficulty/problem in …..I fully understand you and hope to give you some advice on this problem. First of all, I would like to suggest that you should…..In addition , why not ….. and then you will be able to…In the end, you might as well….

    I hope these suggestions above can help you and things will work out well finally.


    I feel like running for the new president of the English club. I’m a person who is outgoing, active and easy to get on with. I believe I have the ability to…... I’m excellent in English, especially spoken English. I often learn English by watching English movies, listening to English songs and reading different kinds of English books.

    I really hope to be the …..of the …... If you choose me, I will be active, creative and serve you well. Please give me a chance!


    1、 it做形式主语或者形式宾语的句子

    2、 宾语从句或者状语从句或者定语从句

    3、 被动语态的句子

    4、 倒装句或者感叹句等特殊句式

    5、 单词短语化,或者替换为高级词汇

    6、 逻辑连接词的使用:

    first and foremost,in addition,what’s more,last but not least,in the end等


    作文1:近日,某中学“iPad进课堂”的消息引起了学生和家长们的讨论。你校的English Newsletter正在以“iPads,Coming into the Classrooms”为题举办征文活动,请你根据下列表格(略)提示的内容,用英语写一篇征文。

    iPads, Coming into the Classrooms

    Can you use an iPad in the classroom? The answer is yes! Recently, students and parents are arguing about the new teaching methods.

    The students don’t think they have to carry heavy bags any more. It’s cool to have lessons over iPads. It’s very interesting to study like that. They believe that they will learn more and better. However, parents think using iPads for too long will influence children’s eyesight. And some poor families can’t afford to buy iPads.

    I think in some ways iPads are good for us. We can search for information on the Internet at any time. It’s easy for us to chat with our classmates and teachers about our lessons.

    作文2:要获取知识,我们就离不开阅读。我们应该从小培养良好的阅读习惯,把阅读作为终身的爱好。请以Reading Is a Good Thing为题目,写一篇英语短文。

    Reading Is a Good Thing

    With the development of science and technology, new knowledge comes every day. If you stops learning even for a day, you will be left behind or even be lost. (落后甚而迷失)

    Reading is a good way to help you to get in touch with the outside world. Read widely and you will be rich in knowledge. As we all know, knowledge is power. With knowledge you will be a powerful person. Reading is also a good way to relax yourself. You can get a lot of fun in books. What’s more, books are good friends to comfort(安慰) you when you are unhappy. As long as you have a good book at hand, you won’t feel lonely.

    Every valuable book will open a new world in front of you. Reading is a good thing for any book lover.

    作文3:假设你校为配合创建“文化校园 高效课堂”活动,最近以“学生做作业时是否应该在网上找答案?”为题做了一个调查。调查发现一些学生赞成,但许多学生反对这种做法。请你根据下列表格中的要点提示,以“Think before you search online”为题用英语写一篇短文。

    中考|2018 中考英语作文最后一击

    Think before you search online

    Some students now have a new use for the Internet—helping them with their homework. But different people have different ideas about it.

    Some students agree with it. They sometimes don’t know the answers to the problems, so they have to turn to the Internet. They think they can learn from other people. At the same time, it’s easy and it saves time. However, not all the students welcome this. Many students think (that) simply copying the answers won’t improve their abilities and that it may make students stop thinking.

    As for me, students should first think over the problems by themselves. If we use the Internet properly, it could be a good way to study.

    (=As far as I’m concerned, In my opinion/view, From my standpoint, In a word, ….)


    要求:1.完整叙述图画内容。 2.简要陈述你认为哪种方式更有意义。

    中考|2018 中考英语作文最后一击

    Nowadays, different students have different ways to go to school. In our class, Xiaohong usually goes to school by bike. She thinks it is a good way to be healthy. But Xiaoming disagrees with her. His mother often takes him to school by car. And Xiaoming thinks it’s convenient and comfortable to go to school by car.

    In my opinion, I prefer riding a bike to taking a car. And the reasons can be listed as follows. First of all, it is a healthy way for students to keep fit. We have too much homework everyday, after all. In addition , we can protect our environment if we go to school by bike. In the end, our road will be wider if we don’t always use cars. Only in this way,can we have a better environment.

    作文5:在每个人的心中,总会渴望拥有某样东西。你想要拥有什么? 请以“I want to have _____”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你想拥有它的理由及你会有怎样的想法或感受。

    要求: 1. 请补全标题,如:a football, a mountain bike 或 a magic paintbrush 等;

    2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;

    3. 词数 100 词左右。

    I want to have an intelligent machine

    I hope that I will have an intelligent machine, which can give the old men a hand when they need help.

    As is known to all, in modern times, more and more old people feel lonely. Therefore, I want the machine to make a difference to their life. For example, it can treat their common illnesses, which can keep them fit. As a result, it can make their life colorful and meaningful. What’ more, this kind of intelligent machine can also be a good friend. It can not only dance with the old, but also can read books to them. What a nice machine!

    With time going by, I do believe the machine will soon appear .

    相关关键词: 中考|2018年武汉市中考志愿填报建议 中考|2018
    相关热词搜索: 中考|2018 中考英语作文最后一击 2018中考英语作文范文 2018年中考英语作文

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