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    合同自查报告(完整版) 合同自查自纠报告

    时间:2020-08-04 13:34:16 来源:天一资源网 本文已影响 天一资源网手机站




     合同英文this ontrat is made in to originals that should be held b eah part.

     此合同一式二份,由双方各持一正本。hat is left unmentioned in ontrat ma be added there as an appendix.


     the ontrat is ritten in quadrupliate hih shall bee valid on the date of signature.


     this ontrat is exeuted in to ounterparts eah in hinese and english, eah of hih shall be deemed equall

     authenti. this ontrat is in 2 opies effetive sine being signedsealed b both parties.


     this ontrat is made b and beteen the buers and sellers, hereb the buers agree to bu and the sellers agree to sell the under-mentioned. modities aording to the terms and onditions stipulated belo.


     买方 buer

     卖方 seller

     项目名称 projet name

     地址 address

     电话 phone

     传真 fax

     联系人 ontat person

     1. 详细货物清单 detail suppl list

     合同价格 ontrat value序号 item 型号 model 尺寸 size, dimension 数量 amount, unit 单价 unit prie 总价 total prie 备注 remark 货物,运费 freight, transportation 合同总额(含安装费与税金) ontrat amount inl. vat installation

     3. 付款条件 pament onditions, pament terms

     4. 交货地点 deliver plae

     5. 发货期 deliver time

     6. 安装条款 installation lause

     7. 验收条款 inspetion lause

     8. 保证条款 guarantee lause

     9. 不可抗拒条款 fore majeure lause

     10. 违约条款 breah lause


     1. 其他条款 misellaneous lause


     买卖双方信息 buer and seller information

     a long-term ontrat 长期合同

     a short-term ontrat 短期合同pletion of ontrat 完成合同ontrat for future deliver 期货合同

     ontrat for goods 订货合同

     ontrat for purhase 采购合同

     ontrat for servie 劳务合同

     labor ontrat劳动合同

     ontrat note 买卖合同(证书)

     ontrat of arbitration 仲裁合同

     ontrat of arriage arriage ontrat运输合同

     passenger arriage ontrat 客运合同

     argo arriage ontrat货运合同

     tehnolog ontrat技术合同tehnolog development ontrat技术开发合同

     tehnolog transfer ontrat技术转让合同

     tehnial onsulting ontrat技术咨询合同

     tehnial servie ontrat技术服务合同

     safekeeping ontrat 保管合同

     arehousing ontrat仓储合同

     agen appointment ontrat 委托合同

     trading-trust ontrat 行纪合同

     brokerage ontrat 居间合同

     multi-modal arriage ontrat多式联运合同

     ontrat of emploment 雇佣合同

     ontrat of insurane 保险合同

     ontrat of sale 销售合同

     sales ontrat 买卖合同ontrat for suppl of poer, ater, gas , or heat 供电、水、气、热合同

     gift ontrat 赠与合同

     ontrat for loan of mone 借款合同

     leasing ontrat租赁合同

     finanial leasing ontrat 融资租赁合同

     ontrats of hired ork 承揽合同

     ontrats for onstrution projet 建设工程合同

     ontrat life 合同有效期

     a nie fat ontrat 一个很有利的合同

     a ritten ontrat 书面合同

     an exeutor ontrat 尚待执行的合同

     breah of ontrat 违反合同

     anellation of ontrat 撤消合同ontrat parties 合同当事人

     ontrat period 合同期限

     ontrat prie 合约价格

     ontrat provisionsstipulations 合同规定

     ontrat sales 订约销售

     ontrat terms 合同条款

     ontrat ages 合同工资

     ontrat 合同,订立合同

     ontrator 订约人,承包人

     ontratual laim 根据合同的债权19 123456尾页


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